LinuxGameCast Reviews: Death Point

Your intrepid heroes search for options, cringe at dialogue, and explain why mobile “ports” should DIAF. Death Point faces the CHAIRQUISITION!

Game: Death Point
Webzone: Death_Point
Devel: Andiks LTD.
Engine: Unity
Price: £10.59 / US$13.99 / CA$14.99

Wazzat: Death Point is a classic stealth-action, which not only should inspire player but also surprise him. At first glance, you get almost traditional game, tightly staffed with hard levels and various tasks. Instead you are immersed in a different world, fully associating yourself with the main character.

Mandatory Disclosure: The dev(s?) sent us keys

CHAIR– Nooope

CHAIRCHAIR– Not sure if want


CHAIRCHAIRCHAIRCHAIR– Shutupandtakemymonies

Makes with the working


  • I’ve seen better option menus in Flash games.


  • You can disable vsync,but that’s about it
  • Also, it seems to love my hotel room TV



Shiny / Sounds


  • OMG the Rusian guy faking a southern voice is fkn hilarious.
  • Also, the intro movie made me LOL with some of animation rigging
  • It looks like a mobile game so think PS1 with a HD texture pack.
  • Don’t really know about the sound because the VO at the beginning made me nope my headset.


  • This dialogue is fucking atrocious.   Oh my god.
  • Other than that, this is a pretty standard unity title.  Nothing mind blowing, just sort of meh





  • Can’t rebind a damn thing because “click export” mobile port.
  • It also moves fky as hell because it’s designed for touch.


  • Yup, these are some mobile port controls
  • If you got a steam controller, you can get around it,but that should never EVER be a prerequisite


  • No key rebinding, no mouse options and spacebar to interact.
  • The UI is also all over the place because touchscreen.
  • That doesn’t translate well to when you have to move the mouse all around to get to things.
  • Hope you don’t have any other control biases, outside of WASD/Movement arrows, because they won’t help you here.




  • I like throwing a mobile “port” in the mix every now and then.
  • Unfortunately Death Point comes from the type of developers who want to charge $13.99 for their $4.99 mobile game.
  • That by itself would not be a bad if they had gone back and properly adapted it for PC.
  • Hell, I would cut them some slack if an attempt was made, it wasn’t.
  • Far as the game, it’s generic top-down sneak around stealth simulator on a budget.
  • Nothing new, nothing original, and irritating to control.


  • Stealth games are a little tricky to pull off.   It requires that you have the player wait around a bunch, so you have to design the game with a good deal of tension to make the wait seem worthwhile
  • This game just doesn’t do that.
  • Hitmango did this a lot better.  AND THAT SHIT WAS A MOBILE PORT TOO!
  • Checkpoints are just spawn points, meaning that if you want to walk away from the game, you gotta restart the entire level you’re on
  • And FSM help you if you die.  Get ready to listen to the same godawful dialogue over and over and over and over and over and over
  • The Fucky ass controls don’t help much either.   An hour of this crap was all I could tolerate


  • I have a few genres I like.
  • I have others in which I find a game I like once in a blue moon.
  • Then there is the Stealth genre.
  • I absolutely loved the original Thief: The Dark Project and the sequel.
  • I don’t think any other stealth games have ever come close to those for me.


Final –


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