Linux surpassing Mac - ME

Steam survey might be a bit lopsided and biased.
But while it's not absolute or reliable numbers, it does give you a rough bearing.

Have you heard of the Chinese Linux? (Kylin (Chinese: 麒麟; pinyin: Qílín)
Wait until all of China needs to abandon the use of Microsoft and uses it's own government approved OS ...
That will do a dent.
Also I finally ordered the parts for my new PC that I have been eager to build for years now.
Jordan will be very happy to hear that with construction completed, the last bastion of private MS use will be gone from my personal life.
Bye bye Windows7 (the finger to Windows10, 11 ++) on my old gaming rig.
On the laptop I have been using Linux for some time now and been gaming on it even the past 1.5 years.
I'll be MS-free and all Linux soon