Nostalgic Linux games - hobbs

Hey gang!

My most nostalgic game for Linux was XEvil,

It's a 2d side scroller multiplayer deathmatch game where you're fighting for your position in hell with such prestigious titles as "Satan's Earwax Remover" or "Satan's Vibrating Sex Toy". You take drugs and murder folks as different classes. You can share a keyboard or play over the network sort of.

I first found it in the early 90s on some RedHat installation media that I used to get my 486 running. I've tried to compile XEvil on modern distros but it's a bit of a pain to get running. They do have the source on GitHub now, so perhaps someone will bring it into the modern era.

I really wish I could find the original version I had with black and white graphics instead of these newfangled color laden sprites, especially because the fire looks like diarrhea. Perhaps that's part of the charm?

Thanks for the show, boys. Have a quality week!