Last Epoch

Hello, this is your Irish/Russian fan here.

1. Venn, I got involved with both your gay fathers. Don't judge me for it. It's [current year] after all, and you are an ass. Albeit, entertaining ass.

2. When are we going to see Pedro doing striptease? I was waiting for too long. We all were.

3. Pedro, if you like this news - you owe us a striptease. IMAGINE, MOTHER CAPITALIST FUCKING ARPG ON SIE LINUXES!!!

OK its not there yet 🙁

Its's currently on sie kickstarter:

And you ask me how do I know it? Like, if its on kick starter and says Linux there is 60% chance it won't?

And sie answer is - MOTHER FUCKING LINUX DEMO. Unity based one. And it worked. You know sie ARCH???? Well my distro is even worse. True Leninist will only use source based distro anyway...

чао бамбино буратины, блять
- Dmitri