Bundle Dark

Venn, thanks for the heads up on the Humble Bundle Dark Fantasy Studio royalty free music zip/rar fuckup. I'm a nobody, so if you have a way to put instructions out there to help other other Linux folks who want to get the bundle, they can use the instructions below. Or you can "hard pass" because you're not paid to be anyone's IT guy.

0. Download all the zip files to a new empty folder (duh)

1. Check which files are actually zip and which are rar using hexdump:

$> hexdump -c -n3 *.zip

The rars start with "RaR" and zips start with 'PK' characters

2. Move the actual zips to a subdir:

$> mkdir zipped
$> mv (each actual zipfile) zipped/

3. Rename all the fakezip files to rars by one of two methods:

$> sudo apt install rename
$> rename .zip .rar *.zip

OR "old-man it" like I did with an inline script:

$> for i in $(ls *.zip); do name=$(echo $i | cut -d '.' -f1); mv $name.zip $name.rar; done

4. Then use unrar on rar files
$> unrar e rarfile.rar

unrar command seems to come with Linux Mint -- not sure about other distros.

Humble Bundle put up a little disclaimer:

"A file unarchiver is needed to download the files in this bundle. Recommended: Keka for Mac, WinRAR and 7zip for Windows. We apologize for any inconvenience!"

Not sure if that went up after people complained or not.

Anyway, if anyone wants to preview the music before buying, I think nearly all the albums can be heard in full up on Dark Fantasy Studio's YouTube channel. That's what I did before committing to the purchase.

Even though I'm an old dog, I always learn some new trick from each LWDW/LGCW 'cast. Kudos!
- Impatient Ape