Soda Drinker Pro: Drinking The Penguin

My fellow carbon based entities, our long national nightmare is over… Soda Drinker Pro is now available on Linux. That’s right! SODADRINKERPRO1 screamed about it in our favourite subreddit. Check with the judge. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let …

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Wake Up Call [Surrealist]

Wake Up Call is a short interactive piece that takes place inside a comatose man’s mind. As you are trying to wake up, you can see your mind trying to reconstruct its basic capabilities like spatial reasoning, logic, memory, words or decision making. Your memories will also start to come back to you and maybe, you’ll prove you’re worthy of earning your consciousness back.

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Simutrans 111.3 Released

A new stable version of Simutrans, 111.3, has been released. This version includes a the new map window, the powerlines underground, and a pakset downloader, if simutrans is started without paksets. About: Your goal is to …

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