L.G.C. |B-Reel| — Me and My Shadow 0.2rc1

Me and My Shadow is a puzzle/platform game written by Luka Horvat. The author has given us permission to gpl the game, and develop it further. It has an interesting concept and rather unique gameplay.

  • * New default theme: Cloudscape
  • * Tutorial levelpack
  • * Improved leveleditor
  • * New blocks
  • * Addon manager
  • * New help screen

In order to compile you’ll need these packages and their (-dev(el)):

  • * libSDL
  • * libSDL_image
  • * libSDL_ttf
  • * libSDL_mixer
  • * libSDL_gfx
  • * libcurl
  • * libarchive

Website: meandmyshadow.sourceforge.net
0.2rc1: forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=2420


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