Interfacing Linux: M-Audio ProFire 2626

Whether you’re creating a MIDI masterpiece, recording a drum kit, or mixing a podcast you’re going to want an interface at some point. Thing is, finding out which ones work with Linux can be an adventure.

This week we’re playing with the ProFire 2626, one of the hottest firewire interfaces of 2008.

Audio & Video Questions

If you have questions about setting up and configuring audio/video hardware or software, head over to the community forums on Interfacing Linux.


CPUAMD Ryzen 7 1700
RAMCorsair Vengeance LPX 16GB
MotherboardMSI B350 Tomahawk
GPUNvidia Quadro 4000
SSDSamsung 840
Firewire:Syba SY-PEX30016
Network:Intel i350-T4
OS:Debian Buster
Desktop:XFCE 4.12

M-Audio ProFire 2626: Round-trip latency @44100 HZ

M-Audio ProFire 2626: Round-trip latency @4800 HZ

M-Audio ProFire 2626: Round-trip latency @96000 HZ

If you’re looking for a high quality interface that just Works ™ you can’t really go wrong with the ProFire 2626. It’s not amazing in any particular area but it sounds good, doesn’t spit xruns, and gets the job done.

Check out our Amazon idea list, take a look at our studio gear, or donate your unloved audio equipment.

M-Audio ProFire 2626

9.5 out of 10
Works out of the box
10 out of 10
Ease of setup
8 out of 10
10 out of 10
Build quality
10 out of 10


Internal mixer.

32 channels of ADAT.

Transparent preamps and bypass.

Assignable headphone outs.


Low output preamps.

Banked phantom power.

Busted ALSA drivers.

Standalone mode?


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