Fight the Dragon – Alpha

My quest for finding a good Linux Fantasy RPG continues and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. I thought Fight the Dragon might be worth a look, but it is more of a pure Hack ‘n Slash game than actual RPG. Don’t get me wrong, a new Hack ’n Slash is more than welcome but what I really want is a native port of Fallout 3 and/or Skyrim.

However, nothing short of bashing Bethesda Softworks over the head with a lawn chair will change their mind regarding Linux support. Oh well…

In the meantime, we have a new in-progress hacky slashy game brought to you by 3 Sprockets, whom you may remember from the Cubemen series. The title, Fight the Dragon seems fairly indicative of what your final goal will be. Then again, there isn’t much to be said for subtlety in this genre.

Fight the Dragon Fight the Dragon Fight the Dragon Fight the Dragon

Fight the Dragon is undergoing Alpha testing and allows you to create a character from one of three (currently only two) classes. Are you going to be the Knight, charging valiantly with sword in hand? A fire mage, who will burn any fiends that dare stand in your path? Or even the frost mage, which is still not available to play but, I’m assuming, will deal death in the form of solidified H2O?

Alpha registration is currently open in the form of a pre-purchase, following the latest trend of selling a testing opportunity instead of allowing people to sign-up gratis. The base price starts at AUD $15, or your regional equivalent,  and the highest price tier sits at AUD $95, which gets you 4 Steam keys and your name in the Heroes Graveyard. Considering real-life headstones cost upwards of $3,000, getting one for $95 that, thanks to the wonders of the internet, will probably exist forever does seem like a cheaper alternative.


To get in touch with the author of this post find him on TwitterGoogle+ or e-mail him at pedro[at]


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