LWDW 273: Musing Audacity

MuseGroup acquires the much beloved audio editor Audacity, Ubuntu 21.04 upgrades have been blocked for some users, open-source firmware for your IP security cams, and turbo charging the Amiga with a Raspberry Pi. All this plus your email.

Special thanks to:
RTheren (Advisor)

Holy Toast (new patron)
Monica (new patron)
MFoxDogg – Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience



Musing Audacity 


  • Audacity is open-source, if they do anything to jack it up people will stick a fork in it. 
  • Martin was responsible for Ubuntu Touch. 
  • Like a lot of you I put up with Audacity because it gets the job done. 
  • Admiditaly I use it as little as possible because it fights you every step of the way. 
  • The Audacity interface is a running joke, it’s pre 2008 Blender levels of bad. 
  • Non-destructive editing for audacity please. 
  • Spawn Jack syncs before hitting record. 
  • For the love of FSM give me a generate silence hotkey. 
  • Smooth scroll while tracking. 


Ubuntu upgrades


  • If you have a pre UEFI device and you’ve enabled EFI booting, you may want to hold off on updating to 21.04 until the issue is resolved.
  • So I won’t be upgrading one of my Thinkpads that has Ubuntu 20.10 on it to 21.04 for quite some time, because that machine has an early version of EFI.


Rocky 8.3 RC1


  • Wow, kernel 4.18.
  • Guess they really do mean to keep the promise of continuing the old cent legacy.
  • Wow, the developers of Rocky Linux are sure making quick work of it!
  • Rocky Linux 8.3 release candidate 1 has been released.
  • Rocky Linux is the free and open source CentOS replacement that is 1-to-1 binary compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, made by the creator of CentOS.
  • Based on the current stable RHEL 8.3.
  • GNOME 3.32 desktop, samba 4.12.3, rpm 4.14.
  • Make sure to download the ISO, test and report bugs!


Trinity 14 (RTheren)


  • That looks like KDE ¾?
  • Ships with the original and improved classic Amarok music player.
  • It’s so nice to see that the fork of KDE 3.5 is still getting love.
  • The Trinity Desktop Environment R14.0.10 is now available, and includes many updates and bug fixes.
  • Now includes KlamAV, the KDE frontend for ClamAV antivirus.
  • And the Komposé application which gives a  fullscreen view of all your tasks and/or virtual desktops.
  • Added adjustable icon spacing functionality in KDesktop.
  • And now supports RISC-V 32bit and 64bit.
  • I tried installing it on Fedora 34 but it seems to have been hardlinked against specific library versions, so I’d have to go back to 33.


That IBM thing 


  • And this is why most internal emails shouldn’t be public
  • I remember reading this a few months ago and thinking that’s not right, IBM has always encouraged contributions to open source by their employees, whether it be personal or working for IBM.
  • That is the way open source should work, and many companies encourage it.
    • Some. 
  • Todd Moore, VP Open Technology at IBM stated:
    • “IBM has over 80,000 employees who are trained to contribute and participate in open source.”
    • “We respect our developer’s need to be individuals, and their open source code contributed under a personal ID represents them and their resume.”
  • Best I can make of it is that dude was using his personal GitHub ID to contribute to VNIC. 
  • IBM has a system in place where employees use their IBM GitHub ID so big blue can track contributions. 
  • Didn’t see any denial that all of your code contributions are belong to IBM 100% of the time. 
  • This sounds like a “smooth things over” bit someone was told to write. 
  • I’m not just saying that because ViacomCBS tapped an IBM executive last year to lead its media initiatives.
  • I’ll let you guess the parent company of ZDNET / Techrepublic. 


IP cameras


  • Open firmware for your video surveillance cameras, nice!
  • Because, ironically enough, security cameras and the systems backing them are usually the most exploitable in the stack.
  • The OpenIPC is a Linux operating system based on OpenWrt/Buildroot projects and targeting IP cameras with chipsets from different vendors.
  • They aim to develop universal, portable firmware supporting a wide range of manufacturers and delivering updates and fixes which vendors oftentimes don’t. 
  • Hi3516Cv200
  • Hi3518Ev100/200
  • Hi3516Cv100




  • V2.5 was released 6 hours ago.
  • This version fixes some bugs, adds options for vorbis codec and has a new icon.
  • Unlike the other one we talked about, this is just the GUI
  • You still need to have youtube-dl installed

Slice of Pi



  • Turn your Raspberry Pi 3 A+ into a processor for an Amiga.
  • I’d love to get my hands on an Amiga 500 and maybe do something like this, but I really don’t want to spend the kind of money people want for one of them nowadays.








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