LinuxGameCast Reviews – Songbringer

You intrepid heroes enjoy chiptunes, complain about pixels, and make unfair comparisons. Songbringer faces the CHAIRQUISITION!

Game: Songbringer
Webzone: Songbringer
Devel: Wizard Fu Games
Engine: cocos2d-x
Price: £15.99 / US$19.99 / CA$21.99

Wazzat: Songbringer is a scifi action RPG with swords, secrets, dungeons, bosses and stuff.You play the role of protagonist and accidental hero, Roq Epimetheos. With a propensity for partying and making music, he cruises the galaxy with his skybot Jib aboard the ship Songbringer, searching for verdant planets absent the presence of galactic police. When Roq finds the nanosword hidden in a cave on Ekzera, he unwittingly awakens an ancient evil. The sword is pretty fraggin’ sweet though. It… hums.

Mandatory Disclosure: Dev sent us keys.

CHAIR– Nooope

CHAIRCHAIR– Not sure if want


CHAIRCHAIRCHAIRCHAIR– Shutupandtakemymonies

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  • Whenever I start the game it tells me to hold Up and then starts the Steam controller config tool.
  • Everytime, I close it and have to click on the taskbar icon for the game because it minimized itself and refused to automatically resume.
  • If everytime I start your game you’re shoving something else in my face and hiding said game, I’m not going to be starting your game too many times.


Shiny / Sounds


  • Do yourself a favour and put on the headsets because that soundtrack is legit, son.


  • This game is fuglty. Like Hot diggity damn
  • It looks like they were trying to go for a superbrothers or hyper light drifter look, but with more dark
  • The soundtrack doesn’t really do anything for me either. The “not-zelda” noises are a nice touch
  • It started off as kinda annoying and eventually ground me down to just a nuisance


  • I don’t like the hipster pixels
  • But seeing as this is a one man job and the actual meat of the game is perfectly acceptable, I’m willing to give him a pass.
  • The sounds are where it’s at!
  • The chiptune music can get a bit annoying at points but for the most part it does a really good job of setting the mood.
  • As do the sound effects.





  • No real complaints here.
  • It even picks out what kind of controller you have which is pretty nice
  • No such issue as pedro described on the steam controller.






  • It’s an ugly zelda game
  • In fact, I’d say it’s the ugliest zelda game on linux
  • But it isn’t horrible
  • One of the cool things about an LOZ randomizer is that it forces you to explore the map, which this game does.
  • I stumbled into the 7th a 2nd dungeon looking for bombs to solve a puzzle in the 4th dungeon. That’s pretty reminiscent of my experiences playing Zelda, so good on him for at least capturing that
  • Maybe it’s just me, but the game’s dark theme makes enemies blend into the background quite a bit. I rarely have any idea what I’m hitting. Only the sounds indicate that I’m doing anything
  • And at the end of the day, it’s just a mediocre zelda clone


  • I never really liked Zelda.
  • I kept reading about this game being compared to Zelda and by looking at it, it struck me about as much Zelda as Hyper Light Drifter, or even Salt & Sanctuary.
  • “That’s not a fair comparison to make” – I thought to myself.
  • I was wrong.
  • This shit’s pretty much Zelda with Rogue-elements.
  • Permadeath (if you want), randomized levels, and a complete and utter disregard for level design.
  • That’s fine, I like me some rogue-like elements, I like me some roguelike games.
  • If introducing those to a game that’s shouting “I want to be Link to the Past so goddamn much!” helps me enjoy a Zelda-clone, then by all means.
  • It doesn’t.
  • Legend of Zelda may have started a genre, or subgenr e, and is still very successful to this day.
  • But Songbringer isn’t doing enough to work from that basis and still differentiate itself in a significant way.
  • Oh, it’s hipster pixel! It’s got roguelike elements. It’s even got a story that’s trying to be deliberately campy for the lolz.
  • It’s not working. I’m not one of those nostalgia ridden lumps of carbon that goes about life longing for the past.




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