Your intrepid heroes take turns controlling an intergalactic corporation with a tentacle.


– Nooope

– Not sure if want

– Check it out

– Shutupandtakemymonies

Game: Godly Corp
Webzone: Godly_Corp
Devel: TR8 Torus Studios
Engine: Unity
Price: £5.79 / US$7.99 / CA$8.99
Wazzat: An intern in an intergalactic corporation managing the universe. Use your tentacle to perform unusual office tasks and try to not destroy all life on the planets you look after. Every day brings completely new challenges. Expect everything – chainsaw robots, bug infestation, space trips and more.

Mandatory Disclosure: Devs sent us keys over Curator Connect


Does It Launch

  • By LUCK it launches somewhere between my UHD and 1080 display in a way that I can cheese my way into the resolution options.
  • From there I can set everything and play a game.
  • Until I launch it again because it remembers FK ALL options.

Performance @ 1080

  • 60  @ 1080 /w YOLO.


  • Looks as good as any VR FK around game.
  • However it looks like rubbish by default, the setting you have to change every, single, time.


  • I mean, come on. You’re a tentacle.
  • That controls like a cocaine infused penis.


Does It Launch

  • Yeah, it kinda just spawns it’s window wherever the hell it wants at whatever resolution it wants
  • Also, it doesn’t seem to save my game, cuz you have to restart every time?

Performance @ 1080

  • It’s v-stuck at either 30 or 60FPS, your choice
  • That said, it even performs well on the laptop APU.  I think


  • Oh yes, they do look like crap


  • And you thought surgeon simulator was bad


Does It Launch

  • It launches, in the middle of my 3 screens in a UHD window, every goddamn time.
  • It doesn’t remember any settings.

Performance @ 1080

  • 60 at UHD, which is more than Surgeon Simulator could ever do at 1080


  • They work, the game doesn’t remember any settings, but the graphics work.


  • Both WASD and the Arrow keys work, everything else is gerbil input

QA Score:



  • Venn:
      • Ever think to yourself, what if Octodad was handicapable?
      • Welp, Godly Corp is going to answer that question like it or not.
      • At this core this is your classic FK around physics simulator.
      • The spin?
      • You’re an intern at a corporation and it’s your job to complete random tasks assigned to you by a developer who really really liked GLaDos.
      • It’s hella rough around the edges but not bad if you like surgeon simulator and the like.
      • You can see some ideas and mechanics that definitely have promise but need to be fleshed out a bit more.
      • But you know what, none of that matters because if you have more than one monitor (in 2019 who doesn’t) this critter gets refunded shortly after a launch followed by realization that not even the prefes file can unfu*k this nonsense.
      • Test, yo, shite.
  • Jordan
    • You know, I’ve always wondered what would happen if you gave octodad a gun
    • It’s very much a fuck around game.    
    • Try to tentacle your way through your work day, shoot invading robots, etc, etc
    • Therein lies the rub though, I really don’t care and the game doesn’t really want me to care
    • I did get a good laugh when the robots invaded, but the mission immediately after that just lost my interest
  • Pedro
    • It’s surgeon simulator but the play field changes every time.
    • The fuckery goes up a notch every damn time.
    • The no gravity level in space where you have to build the planet and shoot down asteroids at the same time had me flailing around and sending pieces flying all over the screen to the point where I could even see what I was doing.
    • At least until I used the tentacle as a windscreen wiper.
    • It’s the not the kind of game I would play by myself, but it would be fun to load this up with people over and let them have at.

Fun Score:





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