CHAIRQASITION: I Hate Running Backwards

Each week your intrepid heroes test a game against three Linux distributions. I Hate Running Backwards faces, the ChairQAsition!

Game: I 💖 running backwards
Webzone: I_Hate_Running_Backwards
Devel: Binx Interactive / Croteam Incubator
Engine: Unity
Price: £10.99 / US$14.99 / CA$16.99

Wazzat: I Hate Running Backwards is a never-ending adrenaline packed shoot’em down roguelite that puts the emphasis on destruction and fighting never ending waves of enemies while time traveling through procedurally generated worlds!

Mandatory Disclosure: They sent keys


Does It Launch

  • Indeed.

Performance @ 1080

  • 60 @ 1080 / 30 @ 2160.


  • The Voxels vox.


  • Latest update jacked up the Steam controlla.


Does It Launch

  • The hang on the first launch had me worried for a few minutes

Performance @ 1080

  • 60@1080 Ultra, 60 @ UHD Ultra


  • Yup, I can tell the enemies and the backgrounds apart. Good stuff


  • Gets some bonus points for having correct button prompts on the dual shock. Good jerb guy!


Does It Launch

  • It took a while to load the first time, I had to stop myself from killing the transparent window it spawned.
  • Doesn’t remember fullscreen setting.

Performance @ 1080

  • Can’t push performance to ultra at 3840, lest I want to play the game at 45 FPS.
  • Works fine on high at UHD.


  • It’s infinite backpedaling Sam in Minecraft


  • Mouse keyboard and controlla all work out of the box.
  • With rebindable keys all around.

QA Score:



  • Venn:
    • My steamy batteries died right at the first boss.
    • 53 minutes of me trying to nope that damn Scorpion.
    • But, I keep coming back.
    • Don’t you love it when a game reminds you of an abusive relationship?
    • No online multi, really?
    • Listen, the only thing new this game has going for it is running backwards.
    • Outside of that it’s voxel guerilla war with a serious Sam skinpack and a side of bullet hell.
    • Plenty of weapons & upgrades + you get extra damage by smashing the level to fill a meter.
    • What it does it does well but without online multiplayer things get stale with a quickness.
    • I’m not saying I hate running backwards, it’s just not my prefered method of locomotion.
  • Jordan
    • It’s reverse 1942.
    • That said, I think the serious sam stuff is worked in there pretty well
    • The werebulls were a nice example of that
    • The scorpion took a few attempts, but that was more to do with getting used to the controls. I ended up perfecting him on my successful attempt. Is it just me or was the 2nd boss way easier
    • Shmups don’t usually do it for me. This one’s a good attempt though.
      • Apparently singing along to Donna Summer helps me get into something resembling a flow state
    • I will say though, I do think online multiplayer would have easily netted this boy another chair
  • Pedro
    • My biggest complaint is how you can’t aim.
    • You always shoot straight and all you can do is move your character.
    • I have mentioned before how the simple inability to do something you expect to be able to do always feels so limiting in videogames.
    • And while I can concede this is by design, I can’t see in what way not being able to aim helps this game.
    • It certainly didn’t help me get past the general feeling of “Meh” I got from the rest of it.
    • Sure, it’s an Incubator game, but it’s being sold for actual money now and the actual truth is that, while I can’t find any other major flaws, I still didn’t feel particularly compelled to play this one.

Fun Score:



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