LWDW 192: Ploopy Mouse

Ubuntu releases an experimental ZFS installer! Apple exploits sudo, System76 launches two Linux laptops with Coreboot, and an open-source trackball that goes Ploop.



05:32 Sudo flaw
08:42 Open-source business security
12:07 No iptables in Debian 11
15:12 Ubuntu ZFS
20:32 Plasma 5.17 & SUSE
24:02 Kdenlive 19.08.2
32:22 System76 Coreboot laptops
36:27 Ploopy mechanical mouse
41:49 Tabletop DnD Pi
45:19 Listener emails

Colour key – Venn Jill Pedro

Sudo flaw

  • Kind of a big oopsie!
  • If you specify UID -1 or 4294967295 you can bypass a sudoers file which doesn’t allow anyone to run sudo commands.
  • Check your repos or make sure you update sudo to 1.8.28 to be safe.
  • Thanks Apple!
  • Debian is patched. 
  • Ubuntu was patched Monday.
  • They probably shouldn’t have released this vulnerability until all the distros patched sudo.
  • If you are the single user on the system and run sudo commands as root this does not impact you.


Open source security

  • We have needed collaboration between businesses on unified security measures for quite some time, and now it is here!
  • The Open Cybersecurity Alliance has been formed and includes dozens of tech companies, including IBM, McAfee and OASIS.
  • Jason Keirstead, chief architect at IBM Security Threat Management states: “The mission of the OCA is to create a unified security ecosystem, where businesses no longer have to build one-off manual integrations between every product, but instead can build one integration to work across all, based on a commonly accepted set of standards and code.” 
  • IBM Security is contributing “STIX-Shifter,” and McAfee added in their OpenDXL Standard Ontology.
  • This only works if companies use it. 
  • McAfee doing open sauce… Scary thought!
  • Also, this being an enterprise venture probably won’t affect us end users, but maybe that’s for the best.


Iptables EOL in Debian 11 (RTheren)

  • It will still be around for those who really really need it. 
  • Firewalld will be the new business. 
  • I agree that the days of creating custom-made scripts and hacks to handle the local firewall are long gone
  • Nftables was merged into the Linux kernel 3.13 since 2014, so this makes sense.
  • As a Fedora user, firewalld is nice.
  • On Fedora they even have a preset rule for forwarding the steam home streaming bits.


Ubuntu & ZFS

  • ZFS snapshotting ability is one of the reasons that ZFS is one of the most loved file systems for server and NAS installs.
  • Ubuntu including ZFS will be a boon for server installs, AI and the cloud.
  • Popey and Wimpy are asking the community to please test the Ubuntu 19.10 betas as well as the experimental builds.
  • Sunday I enjoyed watching Alan Pope do beta test installs of Ubuntu Eoan Ermine!  
  • He gave me tips on doing my own beta tests o f Ubuntu in the future, and I have just started playing with the ZFS image.
  • The release of Ubuntu 19.10 coincides with Ubuntu turning 15 years old!
  • Snapshots can be a real life-saver for those allergic to proper backups. 
  • No use, only test! 
  • Right now the installer doesn’t give you any control over how it carves up the disk when you select a ZFS install.
  • I did a ZFS install of Ubuntu MATE and with all the defaults it works.
  • Honestly, I prefer the ability to customize partitioning and while I get that ZFS will get that too in future, it’s still an alpha implementation.


Plasma 5.17

  • OpenSUSE Leap 15.2 will ship with QT 5.12 LTS, with Plasma 5.18 and a new kernel.
  • This means there will be “Full Wayland” support with per-screen fractional scaling now for the stable branch of OpenSUSE, like that of their rolling release Tumbleweed.
  • OpenSUSE has always had one of the best implementations of the KDE desktop and the most stable and has been my goto distro for using KDE.
  • Still not even remotely curious to try SuSE again.
  • Like Jill said, the one thing they’ve always done right is the KDE integration and for that they have my kudos!
  • But KDE Neon is also a thing and it’s nowhere near as obtuse.


Kdenlive 19.08.2

  • Kdenlive 19.08.2 is out with lots of performance improvements, bug fixing and crash fixing.
  • They fixed track effects not working when a clip is added at the end of track or if the last clip is resized.
  • And the speed effect has never worked correctly in the timeline, and that was fixed.
  • This was also fixed!
    • When resizing a composition Kdenlive would frequently crash, so I would end up making a new comp with the desired resolution and then pasting my clips and effects in from the original comp.
  • Broken record time! \:D/
  • I’m recording with x265 hevc lossless now so I spooled up the latest app image and tested it with the Steam segment of LGC Weekly. 
  • Export time (27:24 min clip)
    • Kdenlive: 39:36 (24 threads)
    • Davinci: 6:37 (CUDA + Nvenc)
  • As always I applaud the work being done by the Kdenlive team, however. 
  • GPU acceleration has been a back-burner item since I can remember.
  • We’re running out of road to kick that can down and (experimental) movit continues to be nothing more than a RNG lock/crash simulator.


System 76 coreboot 

  • It would be nice to get at least one AMD option. 
  • System76 has been working on integrating open firmware in their systems for quite some time, and now their hard work has come to fruition!
  • System76 Introduces two new Intel Comet Lake Linux Laptops with Coreboot open firmware (formerly known as LinuxBIOS), which replaces the traditional proprietary BIOS firmware.
  • The new 14 inch Galago Pro and 15.6 inch Darter Pro laptops feature System76 open firmware based on Coreboot, EDK2, System76 firmware apps and your choice of their Pop!_OS or Ubuntu.
  • The laptops, are not completely open yet, as there are still some proprietary Intel binary blobs, but this gets System76 closer to their dream of completely open source software and hardware.
  • Currently AMD does not support coreboot, but are in the process of doing so.
  • AMD is working with System 76 on this issue and announced plans to support coreboot on their AMD Ryzen processors at the Open Source Firmware Conference that was held in September.
  • I hope the fine folks at System 76 pioneer a way to get Coreboot into more laptops, not just theirs.



  • Open-source trackball goodness. 
  • The prebuilt units are a little on the high side. 
  • $200 is a bit much and I don’t see a left handed variant.

Slice of Pi

Tabletop Pi 

  • Playing tabletop games on a screen connected to a Pi
  • It’s using Roll20, which is available online.
  • Person just used the default Chromium in raspbian.
  • Bonus tips for building your own frame.
  • We use Roll20 for our tabletop RPGs virtually on Jordan’s stream, and this is almost the  same concept but in IRL ;-D






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