LWDW 241: Edgy October

Slashdot Media resurrects the Linux Journal, Microsoft threatens to release Edge on Linux in October, Vulkan powered KDE Plasma, and a native Reddit app for your desktop.



06:35 The Linux Journal is back
11:20 Vulkan powered KDE
14:55 GNOME extensions rebooted
19:55 Davinci Resolve Ampere
21:26 Pine64 updates
23:36 Native Reddit app
27:21 Sepia search
31:41 Microsoft Edge on Linux
41:46 Capacitor Pi
44:26 Freeze frame Pi
48:26 Emails

Linux Journal is back!!! 

  • Wow, RTheren put this in chat yesterday, and I squealed with excitement!!! :-D
  • Just over a year ago, on August 7, 2019, Linux Journal said it was shutting its doors for good.
  • Now they are back, under the ownership of Slashdot Media, who also own slashdot and SourceForge.
    • “We’re ecstatic to be able to take the helm at Linux Journal, and ensure that this legendary Linux resource and community not only stays alive forever, but continues to grow and improve.”
  • They are looking for Linux enthusiasts, and If you would like to get involved in the new Linux Journal rollout, contact them in the above link and tell them how you would like to contribute.
  • I am so looking forward to being able to use the Linux Journal news stories as a resource here on LWDW once again.
  • And hope to see the great work of Carlie Fairchild, Kyle Rankin, Doc Searls and Katherine Druckman once again, and interview them at a future SCaLE!
  • Linux journal is now owned by BIZX.
  • No word on who (if anyone) will be on staff. 
  • I creeped on some former employees twitter accounts and not a peep. 
  • Looks like they are setting up for user submitted news ala Slashdot. 


Plasma Vulkan

  • Do you find KDE a wee too stable?
  • This is for the DE itself, not for the compositor.
  • There’s still some low level OpenGL and some custom shaders in use in KDE, which certainly explains a number of things pertaining to KDE’s performance since the move to 5.
  • And progress is moving along quicker than most people thought.  It looks like KDE Plasma 6 will get some vulcan love!
  • Qt 5.15 ships with a tech preview of RHI and the Vulkan interface. 
  • Right now some elements are invisible, don’t render with the full graphical effects, crash.
  • But does it 144?


Gnome extension reboot

  • I for one think it’s great that GNOME is finally acknowledging the thing which has made their DE at least usable for everyone else.
  • Maybe this will allow them to see just how much functionality they removed from their DE and give them a sense of self awareness they’ve lacked until now.
  • Maybe KDE will decide to look at why no one uses Plasmoids anymore, next.
  • The fact that you have to use extensions to get basic functionality working in GNOME is one of the reasons I stopped using it for years.
  • And having extensions break with updates is the icing on the cake.
  • So happy they are addressing this.


Davinci Ampere 

  • Now with support for Nvidia 3080. 
  • Not that you can get one, but it’s still there. 


Pine Sept update

  • 13 in 1 multiboot is nice, since at this point that’s all anyone is doing with the Pinephone anyway.
  • Pinebook Pro production has been halted for a few months. 
  • Pine dock is held up because the HDMI might not work. 
  • No date on when Pinetab production resumes. 
  • Is there really a shortage on those 720 LCD screens?
  • I am on the waiting list for a PineTab.
  • A new Pine Store is in the works, including more payment options.


Native Reddit App

  • Oh look, no Electron. 
  • Python + GTK.
  • Still really early but worth keeping an eye on. 
  • It is nice to have a GUI option because there are several good Reddit Cli apps, like Reddit Shell and Reddit Terminal Viewer that we have talked about before.


Sepia Search

  • A (mostly) working search engine for PeerTube. 
  • Also, you have a typo on your page. 
  • So you’re at the mercy of the French if you want to search the federated tubes.
  • This is Sepia Search, the peer to peer federated PeerTube video search engine.
  • Got lots of results when doing the word ‘linux’ search, but nothing came up with an ‘lwdw’ or ‘linuxgamecast’ search.
  • The PeerTube developers have been working on the ability to peer-to-peer live stream for a while, and once that is implemented in PeerTube v3 it should bring a lot more people to the platform.
  • Please donate to PeerTube!
  • Love the new logo and artwork.
  • Not all PeerTube instances will be referenced on Sepia Search. 
  • This search engine will be based on the list of instances we maintain at instances.joinpeertube.org.
  • The code is open-source and available on their software forge. 


Edge in October

  • Make it available only as a Snap, I dare ya.
  • Yet to see a single diehard fan of Edge
  • We had talked about this last November when it was announced at the Microsoft Ignite 2019 conference.
  • And in July they released the download landing page.
  • And next month we get to test the preview . . . we are on the Edge of the precipice . . .

Slice of Pi

Capacitor Pi


Movie pie

  • This Raspberry Pi project combined with an E-Paper display shows movies extremely slow.
  • Two minutes of screen time per 24 hours and it takes just under 3 months for a 110 minute film to play.
  • My Steve_Husband would love to have 2001: A Space Odyssey playing in our house for months at a time!
  • Actually, one of the reasons we bought a Samsung Frame TV is to do just that, show frames from 2001 and display them as art and play it in 4k.
  • This is a brilliant idea, because many of the best films are works of art, and their individual frames compositionally deserve to be hung on your wall.






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