LWDW 267: Beowulf On Demand

Fedora 34 is full of pipes! OpenRazer v3.0 helps you blink all the things, Outrun enables Beowulf on demand, and Sonobus gets a bit chatty. All this and a lot more on this week’s LWDW.



00:00 Intro
06:31 Fedora 34 Beta
09:21 Sonobus 1.4.0
13:36 Audacity 3.0.0
15:46 Outrun: Beowulf on demand
18:51 OpenRazer v3.0.0
23:21 Tuna: XFCE on mobile
28:56 RasPi Imager update
32:16 Project Pockit
35:51 CutiePi tablet

Fedora 34 Beta 

  • Fedora 34 Beta has just been released with so many huge changes and package updates, so go have fun testing it!
  • It features Linux Kernel 5.11.
  • And the much anticipated Pipewire sound daemon, which worked out of the box when I booted the live USB :-D
  • You can test out GNOME 40, which has just been officially released today.
  • And it’s horizontal app grid scrolling and workspace navigation.
  • Also, there is an official spin now for the i3 tiling window manager.
  • They killed Bluez! 
  • KDE + Wayland is the default now. 
  • PipeWire all the things. 
  • Pipewire by default! 
  • Did the beta update on the laptop.
  • Working as intended.
  • If Pipewire is there it’s invisible for that use case.


Sonobus 1.4.0

  • We got a command line interface!
  • Chat is now a thing. 
  • Group latency match. 
  • Ability to crash older versions whenever you feel like it. 
  • Excellent work from essej and extra thanks for looking into the issues with VST3 X11 forwarding. 
  • Yup, git pull; ./build.sh; sudo ./install.sh works as expected.


Audacity 3.0

  • They have changed the way Audacity saves files. 
  • Plenty of bug fixes.
  • Still no movement on the UI/X


Beowulf on demand

  • This is a clever use of fuse/sshfs and chroots to allow you to run programs on remote computers. 
  • Beowulf on demand.
  • Plan9 does this OOTB. 
  • File system performance remains a bottleneck, so the most suitable workloads are computationally constrained tasks like ray tracing and video encoding.
  • Nice!  Now you can compile even faster by using the power of a remote workstation or server.
  • I was wondering what Outrun would be doing on the Wednesday show.
  • Only slightly disappointed that it’s not the game.


OpenRazer v3.0.0

  • Added a gang of new devices. 
  • Now your keyboard, mouse, headset, mousemat, and George Foreman USB grill can blink in sync. 
  • OpenRazer v3.0.0 has been released with new features and device support and bug fixes!
  • OpenRazer is an open source driver and daemon that lets you manage your RGB rainbow vomit keyboards, mice and peripherals on Linux.
  • It now has support for:  Razer Blade Stealth Late 2020, Razer Mouse Bungee V3 Chroma, Razer Firefly V2 mouse pad, Razer Naga Left-Handed Edition . . .
  • The devs added persistent storage of effects in the daemon, previously frontends had no way of reliably getting the effect that a device had set.
  • I had been using OpenRazer when it was in beta for years on my Razer Blackwidow Chroma keyboard so I could get all the bling bling and effects to work on it!
  • I remember being impressed on how well it worked, and got the daemon to work on Fluxbox with a little persistence.
  • Why is OpenRGB not one of the applications mentioned in the compatibility bit at the bottom?
  • We don’t need 10 different RGB softwares like they have on Windows.
  • Do you really want to be the vector for malware on Linux?
    • I’m glad we agree RGB is malware. 


XFCE Mobile

  • The newly released JingOS, as well as the long time and successful efforts of Pine64, is helping to inspire other people in making projects for the best touchscreen mobile Linux experience.
  • If it beats Unity on mobile in terms of performance, that’s a good starting point.
  • If you have a pinephone or pinetab, Unity seems to be the better choice right now.

Slice of Pi

About time Pi

  • This cuts eleventy steps out of the setup. 
  • SSH and WiFi configured in the image. 
  • That saves you a lot of time if you need to create an image for the Pi.
  • Using the hidden key command ‘Ctrl-Shift-X’ for the advanced options is a great way to hide these settings from the average user, but at the same time let power users have more control.



  • The electronic Lego for us Linux geeks!
  • New version is compatible with the older DDR slotted Pi compute modules.
  • I like that!


Porta Pi 

  • It won’t be as powerful as the JingPad A1 tablet we talked about last week, but I am sure it will be cheaper at $199.00 and is expected to ship in July 2021.
  • It was originally a Kickstarter. 
  • The 5 hour standby makes it more of a luggable. 
  • $200 for a full kit including the CM4… That’s not the worst price I’ve seen!

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