L.G.C. |Reviews| — Alien: Isolation

Your intrepid heroes turn right, play with scrap, and experience inhuman jankyness. Xenomorph X121 faces the CHAIRQUISITION!

Game: Alien Insulation
Devel: Creative Assembly / Feral Interactive
Engine: In-House Engine With No Publicly Available Name (it felt good to get out of the rain)
Price: €/$ 49.99 / CDN$ 54.99

Wazzat: Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger.

Mandatory US Disclosure: Feral gave us keys.

CHAIR– Nooope

CHAIRCHAIR– Not sure if want


CHAIRCHAIRCHAIRCHAIR– Shutupandtakemymonies

Makes with the working


  • Oh sizzle-snap! Somebody learned how to AMD!
  • I was hella worried when it launched @ 720P /w YOLOSWAG disabled.
  • Near 19sec of unskippable intro bullshite.
  • Yeah, show all the business the first time but let me skip it from then on.
  • My PC boots in 8 FFS.
  • I can’t technically ding you a chair for this… but I really wanna.


  • Those unskippable logos alright.
  • Maintains 60+ FPS at 4K.   An impressive feat, but now all of Feral’s games are going to be held to that standard.   Good luck brits


  • I’ll echo both Jordan and Venn on letting people skip the intro screens.
  • But not giving people agency to do that, is right along the lines of everything else in this game.
  • I’ll explain that later.


Shiny / Sounds



  • The developers took a page out of the Amnesia book of sound design.   This is a good thing
  • The voice acting is well done
  • Pre-rendered cutscenes look great, but everyone looks like they’re sweating buckets
  • In game is what you’d expect from a AAA title from last year
  • The station seems really huge.   It’s kind of neat how you can see the superstructure outside the windows.,


  • This is a very good looking game.
  • I feel like they nailed the look on the Xenomorph, like H.R. Giger did on the first movie.
  • Everything about it, from the floppy tail to the second mouth is as janky as it was then.
  • But it works, it’s that in-human jankyness that makes it unnerving.
  • It’s a similar effect to that of the Straight-Jackets in Silent Hill 2.
  • I did see Amanda clipping halfway into a locked door in one of the cutscenes but since it only happened once, I’mma let that slide.
  • The background music and sound effects were subtle where they should be, and all over your ear-pussies at just the right time.
  • The people behind Outlast would benefit from keeping a notepad on hand while playing this game.




  • Crouch and run do not make /w the working when using the Xclone controlla.
  • I wanna blame the controlla but mash all the damn buttons the game Shadow of Hordor works peachy.
  • Ended up using the keyboard/gerbil and all was good.
  • Oh, you will peek around corners exactly once. Jordan will elaborate.


  • Apparently Amanda Ripley and Derek Zoolander are related, because after a certain degree, I can’t turn left.
  • Some of the the controls, IE Peeking from around corners, remind me of using Emacs.   Though I bet I could actually get this game running in emacs
  • Crouching and running work on the DS4.  I tried playing this with the controller for about 20 minutes.    Even with the console optimized interface I couldn’t do it.   You can’t freaking aim like that
  • Button prompts are all for the 360, but it does the SDL deal of mapping every controller’s buttons to the equivalent xbox ones


  • Something about the mouse movement feels… off!
  • It seems the horizontal and vertical speeds are different. That’s usually how it would work if you were a console peasant trying to play an FPS on your 5 year old laptop.




  • I have weapons, using them will more often than not get me killed to death… but I have them.
  • Penumbra: Overture got this right. We had a semi-useless pickaxe but IT WAS THERE!
  • This was the one thing about SOMA that killed the immersion.
  • This FKN time-vampire.
  • Yeah, let me give a quick test an…. two hours later.
  • I really dig how the game is all “oh, BTW, here’s the Alien. Mind it, but you have other shite to tend to”
  • Did I mention that Mr. Alien Pants will just show the FK up.
  • Lets just say that keep shite exciting.
  • I knew I was swimming in immersion-sauce when I quietly whispered “fetch motherfu*ker” while lobbing a flare to distract Mr. Alien Pants.
  • Aaaaaaand I just hit the hide from the annoying robots section.
  • These are the old school flip the hell out murdery ones so I was expecting… more?
  • Then we have space gun.
  • http://i.imgur.com/wrDAwNh.jpg
  • and random glitch-sauce
  • http://i.imgur.com/MunUIj7.jpg


  • Aside from the fact that this space station is running some form of emacs as it’s control system, it gets the atmosphere down
  • Good on you game for saving the alien for creepy bits.   Though it does kind of fuck with you when the alien leaves
  • Sometimes it’ll just nope out of the area, but other times it’ll hang around for a bit
  • The game really likes to hammer in the point that you’re basically fucked.   It’s good times.   Plus, you know, I don’t hate the protagonist like I did with Outlast.
  • I like the wrenchymajigger, but you know what works really well?   Pointed sticks.


  • This is a very obtuse game.
  • Right off the bat, it removes agency away from you the player by not letting you jump.
  • Then, it pits you against armed human NPCs and even if you kill them, you can’t take their guns!
  • I killed that second group of unlimited revolver ammo people with just the Maintenance Jack, and even though the gun was right there – I could move it by walking near it – I couldn’t pick it up.
  • Why? Because you’re only supposed to get the Revolver at a predetermined place for arbitrary reason #47.
  • Obtuse!
  • That said, the game captures the retro-futuristic aesthetic and atmosphere of the first and 3rd movies.
  • The big windows that let you see outside are a constant reminder that you’re in outer space.
  • And that leads me to the second biggest complaint I have with this game.
  • You never get the feeling you’re really alone.
  • The other people are dicks, but they’re still there.
  • I feel like the game’s atmosphere suffers because of it.
  • That said, I did like what I played of it very much.
  • I wanted to play more, but time didn’t allow it this week.





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