L.G.C. Reviews – Entropy

Your intrepid heroes search for friends, play with lasers, and hammer the escape key. Entropy faces the CHAIRQUISITION!

Game: Entropy
Devel: Artplant
Engine: Unity
Price: 9.99

Wazzat: Entropy is an open-universe science fiction MMO with a strong focus on freeform gameplay and large-scale space combat. Explore a hostile galaxy filled with over a hundred solar systems, each completely explorable, where you can hunt, trade, mine and salvage in order to survive.

Disclosure: The Devs sent us keys

CHAIR– Nooope

CHAIRCHAIR– Not sure if want


CHAIRCHAIRCHAIRCHAIR– Shutupandtakemymonies

Makes with the working


  • No real gripes since it manages to hold a solid 60 for the most part.
  • Perdo will flesh that out.


  • The game has this nasty habit of freezing for about half a second when there’s anything more than the skybox on screen.


  • Runs great at UHD, used the resolution of the primary monitor by default
  • Periodic stutters, maybe loading? Who knows. #unity


Shiny / Sounds


  • After seeing the initial character creation screen I really thought I was in for a bit of treat.
  • It looks… well done.
  • Hell, most of the game looks well done.
  • Not that it would win any awards for “best looking” but it’s a bit of alright for an indie title.
  • Then again it should since there is not a whole lot to look at.
  • I would comment on the voice acting but it seems they ran out of money for it mid-sentence.
  • I guess there is a soundtrack, if you count a 7 second sample looped a soundtrack.


  • The graphics do a passable job.
  • The sounds… Well if there were sounds, because I sure as hell can’t say for sure if there were, they were completely unremarkable.
  • Also, if you’re not a native english speaker like me, run your text through a Jordan… spellchecker.
  • I decided to play a drinking game of spot the mistake while I recorded the video you’re looking at right now, I would have been properly sauced after 30 minutes were I not drinking tea.


  • The opening story bit had me hooked. AI abandoning humanity and whatnot.
  • Character creation looks great too. Then you never see yourself again.
  • Then the game happens…
  • Wing Commander 3, X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, and the X-series all sprang to mind
  • First person view, but no cockpit? Reeeeeeeaaaaaaly…?




  • Press J to exit.
  • Yeah, it took me a bit to figure out how to exit the game since Esc DOES NOT WORK.
  • Would it have killed you to explain some of the keyboard shortcuts during the tutorial?
  • Good thing Alt+F4 worked out since this game would have received the first ever -1 Chair.
  • Outside of that fusterclick everything controls like your standard space shooter.
  • Gerbil for navigation and throttle and keyboard for everything else.
  • Mind you, “everything else” requires looking in the menu for the controls since the tutorial can only be arsed to give you the basics.



  • Once you figure them out, they work…
  • WHY WASD?!?
  • Mouse aiming works… but it’s kinda weird and takes a hand away from the keyboard where you could be using it to manage your systems
  • No key I could find to set throttle to 0% or 100%
  • Kinda newtonian physics… C key cuts your engines, but if the engines are on, they cancel your momentum somehow
  • How does one roll in this game? I never figured it out, it just kinda auto-rolls…
  • Clipping is arbitrary, and can make things kinda confusing sometimes.




  • Ever get about an hour into a game and start thinking “hey, am I missing something here?”
  • I mean, it’s been 113 minutes and I’ve done a whopping 1 thing that that was not Press F and wait.
  • I’m getting ahead of myself, alright.
  • You start off learning the flight and weapon basics, right.
  • Then you nope a few baddies (this is about 30 min later after you have traveled around in a void of nothing) and head back to the hanger.
  • Then they send you on a multi-part fetch quest that in real time involves 10+ minutes of staring at your screen.
  • At the end of this quest (grabbing the last bit) you get jumped and noped with a quickness.
  • That’s were I decided I had put more time into the game than the developers did.
  • Game, yeah, this is no ‘game’ son.
  • This is, at best, a framework for an MMORPG that has been abandoned since April of last year and not surprisingly the playerbase abandoned it long, long ago.
  • I’m almost positive that the three of us were the only ones to play it this week.
  • Pushing it out as a finished piece of kit is beyond comprehension.
  • BTW entropy only has ONE achievement… yeah, one.
  • Surprisingly it’s not for refunding it within the first ten minutes of gameplay.


  • The biggest sin a video game can commit is being boring.
  • Every critic worth their chops will tell you that.
  • Entropy is completely fucking boring.
  • I could expand on that, but I’d rather tell you all about the stuff they didn’t finish and claim you can do:
    • Salvage – If there are no players to shoot each other or NPC ships, there is no salvage.
    • Crafting – Unfinished. According to the devs and other players on the Steam forum, the crafting system was unfinished and put on hold while they fixed or “fine-tuned” other areas. It still is.
    • The combat… so fucking boring.
    • There are active, unfixed exploits which let you get unlimited credits.
    • The “mods” are the main source of new exploits getting introduced.
  • I almost considered replacing Legends of Aethereus as the most spectacular failure done in the Unity Engine with Entropy.
  • But I can’t. Legends of Aethereus was as I mentioned an absolutely spectacular failure.
  • Entropy is boring, broken, unfinished, dead, and have I mentioned it’s boring?


  • This game should have been an easy 4 chairs. SHOULD
  • I grew up on Wing Commander, and X-Wing, clear sources of inspiration here
  • This game implements the same elements, doesn’t integrate them, and then just walks away like “all done”
  • Combat was completely MEH, stupid AI
  • Gravity engines take forever to charge, then get you there slowly
    • At first I thought: gives a nice impression of space and distance
    • It quickly became: “another 2 minute wait to get to my destination? Blerf.”
  • Trying to dock at stations is confusing, follow the green dots.
  • Maybe forgivable if EA, but it’s not EA… nor is it even remotely finished.


Final –


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