LWDW 262: Wayland Is Coming

Kernel 5.11 comes with big fixes for AMD! OBS prepares for Wayland, VLC shows off its new look, PinePhone goes full-Manjaro, and Fedora 34 gets a release date.



00:00 Intro
07:08 Fedora 34 release date
10:18 OBS Wayland
12:28 VLC facelift
16:38 Kernel 5.11
21:03 SSE3 needed for Chrome
23:03 Pine Phone default OS
26:23 Natural language YouTube search
30:38 RME PCI 9632 on Linux
36:03 SonoBus
39:58 Open Switcher Blackmagic ATEM
48:43 Bananas!
50:19 Slide of Pie
53:49 Emails

Fedora 34

  • Cool, the KDE Plasma images of Fedora 34 will be available for ARM 64 bit devices, following in the footsteps of the XFCE and server images.
  • The i3 tiling window manager now will have a Fedora 34 spin.
  • XFCE 4.16 is there when you smash the nope button on Gnome 40 and or Wayland. 
  • Pipe Wire audio all the things. 
  • There has been a lot of work to get KDE on ARM working better, which I am glad to see.
  • Even if that’s not exactly a very high bar to meet, as KDE on the Pinebook was so bad.
  • Mid March for the Betas and mid-to-late April for the current proposed release date.
  • Wayland is also becoming the default for the KDE spin, which given how long it’s been since it became default for the GNOME spin it makes sense.


OBS Wayland

  • Welp, the scaffolding is in place.
  • I wouldn’t expect much ATM, but it should work, kinda.
  • Nvidia GPUs need not apply, yet. 
  • With Fedora and Ubuntu doing the Wayland dance this will be most welcome. 
  • One thing I’m curious about is the state of Pipe Wire support in OBS. 
  • Developers, Wayland is coming, for reals this time.
  • Start today. 


Fresh Cones (RTheren)

  • One screen to rule them all. 
  • This is what I was talking about a few weeks ago. 
  • A nice, clean, unified interface for VLC. 
  • You can play the home game with the nightly builds… if you don’t mind snaps.
  • I like that it will open to a media browser interface first. 


Linux Kernel 5.11

  • Good news for those of you with AMD CPUs. 
  • Frequency scaling performance regressions have been sorted. 
  • Support for the new Intel GPU hotness. 
  • ThinkPad palm sensor detection support.
  • On Valentine’s Day Sunday Linus released Linux Kernel 5.11!
  • This release includes Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (SGX) technology that allows developers to use walled-off enclaves of memory.
  • Also, XFS has become more sensitive to damaged filesystems and won’t mount them until they’ve been repaired.
  • And we mentioned that this was in the works, it includes support for the Guitar Hero controllers and the OUYA Game Console.
  • And support for Wii U controllers.
  • AMD performance boost is only if you’re using OnDemand/SchedUtil as your CPU governor.
  • If you’re living the Performance governor life, this probably didn’t affect you.


No Chrome for old books 

  • Google Chrome will no longer support pre SSE3 computers from the early to mid 2000s.
  • The Chromium development team states that they will be dropping support for processors that lack SSE3, or Streaming SIMD Extensions 3, in x86 Chrome builds.
  • This will not affect macOS, Android, or Chrome OS devices as they’ve had SSE3 enabled processors since 2014.
  • But this will affect a tiny portion of Windows and Linux users running Chrome on old systems.
  • I use Firefox on my P3 and older machines that don’t support SSE2, and will continue to do so.


Pinephone Manjaro

  • Pine64 has a big announcement since they dropped the Community Editions of the PinePhone.
  • The $149 Linux PinePhone picks Manjaro ARM running Plasma Mobile as its default preloaded OS.
  • Pine64’s Lukasz Erecinski states:
    • “Manjaro is our core partner, offering support for all our flagship Linux devices, including the ROCKPro64 and the Pinebook Pro. Their work on the PinePhone has been indispensable, and their current OS images are among the best and most fully-featured for the platform”.
  • Plasma Mobile was one of the first projects to back the PinePhone.
  • I absolutely get the why.
  • Manjaro offers the best out of the box experience on that RockChip.
  • KDE though… That’s a different story.
  • Maybe Plasma Mobile is better? I haven’t actually tried it.
  • But most of my issues with the Pinebook Pro stemmed from KDE.


Natural language Youtube Search

  • Using the power of AI and being able to search for things inside YouTube videos is fantastic and so needed!
  • I would <3 this to be a browser extension.
  • Does it pass the Floor Cheeseburger test? 
  • It uses CLIP from OpenAI to parse each frame, which a neural network specifically built to try and ameliorate some of the shortcomings of current image processing technologies.
  • Not entirely sure how it works, but being able to just type something and it finding all pictures it thinks match the query is interesting.
  • It seems to have to download the video first to parse through, which I suppose makes sense.


PCI audio in 2021 with the HDSP9632

  • I wanted to know three things. 
    • 1. Why are these still made in 2021.
    • 2. What’s the difference vs their $900 PCIe counterpart. 
    • 3. How well do they Linux on modern systems. 
  • Spoilers: I’ve been using it for the last month.


Low HQ latency audio

  • Real-time network audio streaming collaboration tool.
  • Standalone only for Linux at the moment. 
  • Would be nice to see it as a VST3 plugin. 
  • SonoBus does not use any echo cancellation, or automatic noise reduction in order to maintain the highest audio quality.
  • Will not play well with wifi. 
  • Very easy to build from sauce.
  • Tried with the default settings and it sounded crunchy.


Open switcher 

  • Linux controls for ATEM video switchers. 
  • The masses have begged Blackmagic to do it for years. 
  • Dude sat down and reverse engineered the nonsense. 
  • It has all the basics you will need for production. 

Slice of Pi

Slide of Pie 

  • Who likes moving parts!? 
  • Even has a gyro. 
  • With a slightly better keyboard that could be amazing!
  • That said, if someone wants to put together a kit for one of these which includes everything but the Pi and Arduino, I’d buy it!
  • My Pinecil is itching for some heavy duty soldering.



  • Thanks for clearing that up. 
  • Hope everyone can understa

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