LWDW 310: Klingon in the office

An early look at System76’s Rusty desktop, detecting malware with a Raspberry Pi, hardware accelerated GTK4, testing the MOTU M4 on Linux, and a new OS built from scratch.



00:00 Intro
04:10 Klingon comes to LibreOFfice
07:30 Preview of System76’s Rusty desktop
12:00 EssenceOS
18:00 GTK4 accelerated DAW Zrythm
22:35 MOTU M4 on Linux
32:35 Detecting malware with Pi



  • You can say “Success”, or Qapla’!
  • Yes, initial language support for Klingon and Interslavic is coming to LibreOffice!
  • This shows the power and versatility of open source software.
  • LibreOffice is available in over 100 languages, and The Document Foundation would like to expand that even further.
  • This is wonderful for all us Star Trek fans!
  • And for those who write documentation for Star Trek conventions, pros for Star Trek novels, for the script writers and actors of a Star Trek series, or for those who just want to write Klingonese!
  • After all, thanks to The Klingon Dictionary, written by Star Trek’s linguist Marc Okrand that came out back in 1985, Klingonese is an official language.
  • LibreOffice is available in over 100 languages. 
  • Now with 100% more Interslavic. 


Rusty Cosmic (RTheren)


  • Not really up to snuff on Gnome so it took a second to figure out what was what on the first image comparison. 
  • It’s the one with the blue bits… I think. 
  • Always on search. 
  • Floating window app library. 
  • New compositor, but it’s not enabled ATM. 
  • And System76’s CEO and founder Carl Richell states:
    • “The first Pop!_OS release with COSMIC DE will be in 2023. We call it Epoch 1. We’ll likely have alpha releases this summer.”
  • Carl also said that the UX will remain similar to the current GNOME based Cosmic, but there will be unique aesthetic and functional differences.
  • The Rusty Cosmic is still a work in progress.


Essence OS


  • Here is a new desktop operating system built from scratch, open source, simple and respects the user.  It is called Essence.
  • Essence is built with a small size, is lean and fast, memory efficient, and built to run on low powered hardware.
  • We have lost that with our bloated modern day distros and OSs of today.
  • Essence can take less than 30MB of drive space, and boot with even less RAM.
  • I downloaded the Essence.tar.xz and imported the .ova in VirtualBox, and it booted fast!
  • You create a tab at the top of a window, that then launches a menu in the window for apps.
  • Having a modern OS that can boot on a calculator is neat. 
  • Vector based UI. 
  • Support for Intel 8254x ethernet and BGA/SVGA graphics. 
  • Apps are a wee limited. File manager, Text editor, IRC, and system monitor. 
  • All it needs is a browser. 





  • Moving to GTK4 to take advantage of built-in caching and hardware rendering capabilities.
  • This should speed up the DAW on potato PCs. 
  • Native LV2 plugin support has been temporarily disabled.
  • Installed the trial, it exploded into flames when launched. 
  • Guess GTK4 acceleration does not work with indirect rendering. 
  • New searchable preference dialog.
  • This is still a work in progress, but was releasing early to encourage more testing of these latest changes.




  • Short & sweet. 
  • No drivers needed but kernel 5.14+ is a must. 
  • 60dB preamps & 2 line level inputs. 
  • MIDI. 
  • Gimmick meters = always on. 

Slice of Pi

Scanning Pi 


  • This is amazing, a team of researchers at France’s Research Institute of Computer Science and Random Systems created an anti-malware system centered around a Raspberry Pi that scans devices for electromagnetic waves, with up to a 99.8% accuracy!
    • “. . . the security device uses an oscilloscope (Picoscope 6407) and H-Field probe connected to a Raspberry Pi 2B to pick up abnormalities in specific electromagnetic waves emitted by computers that are under attack . . . The detection system then relies on Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) to determine whether the data gathered indicates the presence of a threat.”
  • Using electromagnetic waves to scan for malware sounds like magic!
  • And brings low overhead to the picture because it is not software based.
  • Essentially, this is a physical way to detect “a disturbance in the force!”

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