Valve’s Deadlock Springs A Leak

Valve’s next game, Deadlock, springs a leak! PSN requirements prevent Ghost of Tsushima from being Steam Deck certified, Minecraft headed to Steam, and VR adoption is higher than expected?


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00:00 Intro
01:02 Dangers of silent PCs
02:15 Have any stealth PCs?
04:09 Pedro vs Jyra
06:28 Steam Deadlock details leak
12:16 Will Deadlock bee F2P?
13:32 Remote PSN on Steam Deck
14:53 Rumble Sense 5
16:38 Minecraft headed to Steam
21:28 Spanking Runners
26:58 Ghost of Tsushima on Steam Deck
27:41 PSN required
34:38 Left 4 Dead music
37:24 Remember Stunt Rally?
42:00 RPG Maker on Linux
46:12 Teens LOVE VR
51:35 PC gaming is dead
54:51 Holo displays
58:50 VR will never die
01:01:22 Introducing the iGag
01:01:46 AV1 vs HEVC on Linux

Colour key – Venn Jordan Pedro

Steam: News

DoTaWatch 3

  • HL3 AKA Citadel AKA Neon Prime is now Deaklock.

  • A 6v6 third-person MOBA with fantasy and steampunk inspirations.

  • Valve’s take on Overwatch but with DoTA elements?

  • A hero shooter with MOBA elements?

  • It’s a smoothie of game types I don’t particularly care for.

  • Apparently this has been in the works for a few years and is being actively playtested.

  • Can we call it a “Mid Phauverwatch” or make claims to its quality compared to Paladins?

  • Because NetEase didn’t want to let people make those claims about Marvel Rivals

  • Does anyone recognize any of the characters in the screenshot from Dota2 or are these new folks

  • Looks very TF2ey

Remote PSN

  • There’s a neat little utility for extracting your ID for your PSN account.

  • Useful if you wanna use chiaki over the public internet

  • Zoom zoom out

  • Oh, yeah.

  • If you plug in the Dual Sense it shows the RL and RR channels and if you wire the playback outputs to those channels you can make the haptics play along with the song.

Steam: New Games


  • Microsoft might be serious about putting their wares on all the things.

  • I guess microsoft learned that if you want to make money off of games you might need to actually sell them to people .

  • Booooo, bedrock edition.

  • Still, that’s where you get the Ray Tracing, kids playing on their phone, and proper controller support.

  • Account terms, second paragraph.

    • If you purchased our games through a platform that does not require a Microsoft account, such as Sony PlayStation, Nintendo, Apple iOS, Google Play, or Steam

Spanking Runners

  • No longer lost to time.

  • Seriously, this is one of those games that cause people to question their memory.

  • Seems to have been a PC only release.

  • CIB for 4.90 or 4.99 on Steam.

  • From the folks who brought us Vangers

  • 2001! That date needs amending on the Steam store.

  • More preservation and availability of old vidjagames, please!

    • How about an open-source engine from the creators?

Steam: Game Updates

Ghost on Deck, kinda

  • There is some speculation in the steam threads about it being anti-cheat related.

  • Even though it’s a co-op only multiplayer game.

    • Something something PSN

    • Probably for the crossplay and saves.

  • Thanks Sony

  • “You may notice that Steam marks the game as ‘Unsupported’ for Steam Deck. This is due to the Legends co-op multiplayer mode requiring Windows to access PlayStation Network integrated features.”

    • It’s like they can’t help themselves.

  • I suspect if people get complacent about the PSN account issues, Sony’s gonna start requiring PS Plus for you to play their games online on PC.

  • So if you’re one of the ones shouting that you’re “tired of the controversy” of the PSN requirement and that “it’s free”, you should “just make an account”, it’ll be your fault when that happens.

  • Apparently this thing runs pretty good on the Deck by all reports.

  • Solid 30 FPS and 40 is doable with FSR 3.

  • Bloodborne is going to require two PSN accounts.

Left 4 Musc

  • Wait, there was supposed to be fkn music?

  • All this time?

  • This always bugged me when streaming since I had to fire off a few rounds at the start to set levels.

  • Still no music for me on the desktop



  • I didn’t know that was still being developed.

  • Fresh out of 2010, Stunt Rally 3.1.

  • 8 new cars, new track, and 8K skies.

  • And a Linux binary release because why not.

  • Using Ogre-Next for render and VDrift for simulation.

  • Online multi is supported with direct connect since the master server is no more.

  • They need a mode to change the physics to be more Trackmania Stadium and less Trackmania Coast

  • They added hovercraft and hover cars but are they full of eels?

Native RPG Maker

  • Claims 2-4X better performance than wine

  • The idea of a ScummVM type of deal for the RPG Maker engine is very welcome!

  • There are people who play nothing but RPGMaker games.


  • This pew survey was apparently conducted on 1500 of the richest kids they could find

  • Mind you, this could also be counting mobile VR headsets as well, which doesn’t require the same insane level of buy in that PC vr requires

  • According to the poll as well, the Kids apparently just aren’t into twitch. They hate it slightly less than reddit

  • You can get the Facebook Quest 1 and 2 for reasonably cheap on eBay.

  • £100-£150 gets you a Quest 2 with the wiggle controllers.

  • And does the Steam Deck count as a console?

  • “The survey doesn’t ask whether they actually own the headset”

    • So, have access to one.

  • The kind of VR we want is still a niche technology.

  • Quest headsets, OTOH get the job done and don’t break the bank.

  • 24% seems about right for “I fkd around with one once”.

  • More kids play games on their tablets.

  • 73% / 70% on console vs mobile?

  • I was expecting bigger numbers for mobile.

  • 49% rocking the PC… we are the rounding error.

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