ChairQAsition: Bridge Constructor Portal

Your intrepid heroes provide the quality assurance that should have been done in the first place. Bridge Constructor Portal faces the ChairQAsition!

Game: Bridge Constructor Portal
Webzone: Bridge_Constructor_Portal
Devel: ClockStone
Engine: Unity
Price: £6.99 / US$9.99 / CA$11.99

Wazzat: As a new employee in the Aperture Science test lab, it’s your job to build bridges, ramps, slides, and other constructions in 60 test chambers and get the Bendies safely across the finish line in their vehicles.

Mandatory Disclosure: The publisher, Headup Games, sent us keys

CHAIR– Nooope

CHAIRCHAIR– Not sure if want


CHAIRCHAIRCHAIRCHAIR– Shutupandtakemymonies

Makes with the working


  • 60 @ 1080 and 2160.
  • No issues to report.




Shiny / Sounds


  • Not much to it, really.
  • If you have played BC Mideval you know what you are getting into.
  • This does have the added benefit of Portals.
  • GLADOS is nice, at first… then you wish she would STFU.


  • Poor Ellen Mclain. Why does gabe insist on having her and her husband chained up in the valve basement until more portal shit needs to be produced?


  • They even got the original voice actress for GLaDOS to do the voice over.




  • Point + click =’s work
  • However, the Steamy controlla has and issue with some input.


  • Click and drag. Dinging it a chair due to the accuracy being a little off. Gets kinda annoying


  • I can never remember that you need to hold down the click for half a second to move a node that’s already been placed.
  • That to me screams touchscreen functionality.




  • I don’t know if I like this because it gives me thinky pain or because Portal themed.
  • Could be a bit of both but I lean on the Portal bit since it’s probably all we will ever get since VALe is unable to 3.
  • You can pick it up, fk around, rage-nope, and come right back next time you have have a few minutes to kill.
  • I do like puzzles where there are several ways to sort them.


  • This isn’t a bad architecture/physics/fuckaround simulator
  • I was a little skeptical when I heard about this game, but the portal mechanics do gel fairly well with the bridge constructor gameplay
  • It brings me back to my lonely ass childhood, playing with knex because I had no friends. Alone, in my basement. Making triangles. So many triangles.
  • It’s also fun to try and make them as cheaply as possible. The Aperture Science way
  • Honestly though, this feels like it could probably be some DLC instead of another game, but at 10 bucks, you can barely tell the difference


  • I didn’t hate it!
  • I can see how the game could become very samey and start to feel like a chore as you progress but they regularly introduce mechanics of the Portal games every few levels to keep it feeling fresh.
  • And I enjoyed the fact that adding the convoy to the goal actually makes you account for the extra weight and flailing forklifts bouncing all over the place.
  • I still can’t say it’s a perfect puzzle game because some levels do become a bit of an exercise in trial and error until you find the thing that works, or the connection which stops a bridge from snapping.




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