LWDW 161: Con Of The Penguin

Nmap on steroids! F5 acquires NGINX, Audacity 2.3.1 is finally ready, remote wiping Linux, and Penguicon 2019.

Special thanks to:
George M


Linux Weekly Daily Wednesday
Linux Weekly Daily Wednesday
LinuxGameCast LLP

A weekly dose of all thing Linux and open source with a slice of Pi for good measure.



Colour key – Venn Jill Pedro

RIP Njinkz (RThren)

  • F5, the global leader in multi-cloud application services, yoinked NGINX.
  • It will remain open source.
  • For those worried about it going all commercial need I remind you of NGINX Plus.
  • For approximately $670 million!
  • This makes sense though for F5 who specializes in application services and (ADN) Application Delivery Network, because now they have one of the premiere web servers on the market.



  • Wireless casting of the desktop is a pretty neat idea.
  • Or, at least, it’ll keep the cable clutter down.
  • You’ll still need to pair the mouse and keyboard to the phone, though.
  • Use your phone as your PC for the ultimate desktop productivity.
  • This is a game changer!  Maru is now based on LineageOS rather than just AOSP, and now any device that is supported by LineageOS can be used, rather then just limited to the Nexus 5 and the 2013 Nexus 7.
  • More up to date software packages are supported now with Maru Desktop upgrading from Debian 8 Jessie to Debian 9 Stretch.
  • Unleash your mobile device with Maru, a context-aware, lightweight, open operating system that unites mobile and desktop computing.
  • It’s a bold dream and they are getting close to pulling it off, but.
  • Think about how you use you mobile devices, yeah, as a second screen.
  • Not just in front of the PC but while watching movies, cooking, mixing potassium nitrate and C12H22O11.


Mythic beast

  • All Linux OS for phones and laptops.
  • For a company like Purism, which aims to provide both mobile phones and mobile computers, having the one codebase to worry about is a great step for the future.
  • I hope they can manage this and get something that actually works on both ends.
  • Because up to now, all attempts have been a bit of a mess.
  • This is exciting and the beauty of open source, and continues the progress of Mark Shuttleworth’s dream of Convergence and WebOS’s original development of Synergy.


Touch 8

  • Living life on the edge can get the project out faster, but long term those issues would crop into something serious.
  • Now that the call for testing has been complete, Ubuntu Touch OTA-8 has been released with many wonderful improvements and bug fixes.
    • The Morph Browser is greatly improved, with fixes to the display of browser error pages, favicon support for favorites and allowing apps to inject custom JavaScript into embedded Morph.Web views.
    • Ubuntu Touch has a new experimental system-wide dark theme as well.
  • Our very own Sandy Martin, Ultimoore, has been a contributing developer to this project for quite some time.
  • I am looking forward to testing this out on my OnePlus One :-D



  • Making nmap a little friendlier to the noobs is certainly something I could appreciate.
  • This is a nice CLI alternative to the Zenmap Nmap Security Scanner GUI that I have used before.
  • Tor support because REASONS!


Audacity 231

  • You could still use it on Linux f you didn’t mind the crash-fest.
  • Ask anyone on Fedora.
  • There’s a Flatpak if you want to take it for a spin.
  • As we talked about last October, Audacity 2.3.0 includes improvements in saving projects and the ability to adjust playback speed during playback.
  • The 2.3.1 update includes bug fixes and refinements to the Audacity 2.3.0 features.
  • The big release of Audacity 2.3.0 last year was only available for Mac and Windows.
  • Audacity 2.3.1 restores support for Linux which was stuck using version 2.2.1.


Script it

  • I’ve used the systemctl one a couple times, mostly on old laptops when they throw a bit of a hissy fit when connecting to wireless.
  • sudo ip link set down enp30s0YOLO32purplemonekyDishwasher
  • Or, unplug the cable.
  • A beginners guide on how to restart a network in Ubuntu, using network manager service, systemd or GUI etc.
  • This is a really nicely written article, easy to follow, concise and great for beginners and advanced users alike.  It is nice to have the many CLI commands and GUI examples for restarting a network in Ubuntu in one article. Bookmarked!
  • I have been using the ifup and ifdown commands for years!


Remote wipe

  • I think I’m going to set up a laptop for the purpose of kicking the tires on this one.
  • This, this is something to look into just in case.
  • Yes, not being bothered to walk into the other room is a valid reason.
  • Wow, well we can replace the Linux kernel via SSH without rebooting, so why not the whole operating system!


No Skype

  • Good riddance?
  • If Skype for Business, the thing Microsoft seems to care about, is any indication of where this project is going, then I’m glad Linux isn’t seeing it.
    • [chibbs] Skype for Business is very slowly being deprecated and rolled into “Microsoft Teams” which is their Slack replacement mashed together with SFB- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/faq-journey
  • It could also be that they want to can it and shedding the lower market share is as good a start as any.
  • With Microsoft having its own Linux operating system, Microsoft Azure Sphere, why would anyone think that this would be a thing?  Well, it is Microsoft!


Open Calc

  • How about paint.
  • Also, the calc has support for telemetry.
  • They closed the ticket >:(
  • I can’t see a downside to this.
  • Mostly getting the spying bits out of the calculations
  • This is great for integrating the calculator UI and algorithms in app development.

Slice of Pi


  • A dashcam system you can put together yourself and know exactly what’s going on.
  • That’s pretty good!
  • I’d add a bit of an insulating case…

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