LWDW 167: Swapping Linux

Ubuntu releases a Disco Dingo, Kdenlive refactors all the things, Fermilab kills Scientific Linux, and why almost always add swap space.

02:41 Ubuntu 19.04
06:24 PopOS 19.04
09:53 Debian 10
12:51 RIP Scientific Linux
14:57 Kdenlive 19.04
19:10 Linux and swap
26:23 Freedom Box
28:37 Shameless self promotion
30:41 Tracking Raspberry Pi’s
33:15 GUI programming with Pi
37:10 Listener feedback


Linux Weekly Daily Wednesday
Linux Weekly Daily Wednesday
LinuxGameCast LLP

A weekly dose of all thing Linux and open source with a slice of Pi for good measure.



Colour key – Venn Jill Pedro

Ubuntu 19.04

  • Kernel 5.0.
  • NVIDIA drivers made in this century? Madness!
  • Yall still forgot to compile ffmpeg with nvenc for some bizarre moon reason.
  • Loved it so much I installed Xubuntu 18.04.
  • As we have been talking about the last few months, the much improved GNOME desktop 3.32 ships with Disco Dingo, which brings lots of performance improvements, bug fixes, and overall is a lot faster.
  • The latest development release Mesa 19 comes pre installed.
  • The proprietary NVIDIA graphics drivers can be installed during installation.
    • That should have been an option a long time ago!
  • I still have my install of default 19.04 on the X230, I think I’ve given GNOME enough of a chance to change my mind and it still hasn’t.


PopOS 19.04

  • Pop!_OS 19.04 is available for download with all the improvements and updates of the Ubuntu 19.04 release, but with some wonderful new features.
  • Pop!_OS is not just beautiful, but has become one of the best distros to game on because of its thoughtful innovations to classic Ubuntu.
  • Pop!_OS has two seperate ISOs that you can download, one AMD/Intel for the latest MESA graphics drivers and one NVIDIA which includes the proprietary NVIDIA 418 graphics drivers.
  • Lutris and Gamehub are now available in the Pop!_Shop.
  • And for something amazing!  Using the Live USB of Pop!_OS 19.04 NVIDIA edition, I was able to game spanning 3 monitors with games I downloaded from Steam and Lutris with full NVIDIA hardware acceleration!!  The Talos Principle running Vulcan and Unreal Tournament in Lutris were tested as well as Proton.
  • Ok, it takes a lot of work editing configs normally to game in Gnome spanning 3 monitors in a full install, let alone in a live CD.  Way to go System76! From now on my base Ubuntu install will be Pop!_OS :-D
  • Since Strider likes this distro so much, I’m obligated to remind everyone they made another Ubuntu spin distro when they could have simply released a PPA.
    • But they have that, too.


Debian 10

  • 4.19 is a good call for a Kernel.
  • That’s the kernel that turned the RNG crapshoot simulator that was modesetting at boot on the Steambox, into a system that booted reliably every single time.
  • AppArmor… I’m no fan of SELinux, but AppArmor? Really?!
  • Also, why do distros keep playing to the of and paying Microsoft for that Secure Boot piece of junk?
  • A faster GNOME Desktop 3.30.
    • Packages moved from libgtk2+ to libgtk3+
    • Gstreamer1.0-packagekit for automatic codec installation for playing movies etc.
  • The old OpenJDK 8.0 is finally being replaced by OpenJDK 11.0.


End of Scientific Linux (RTheren)

  • This is going to cement Cent as the distro for any kind of large scale deployment.


Kdenlive 19.04

  • Video clips use separate tracks for audio/video by default now instead of needing to be split in the timeline.
  • Video and audio tracks can now be resized in the timeline.
  • Keyboard navigation in the timeline and with keyframe movement.
  • All of these new features are industry standard in non linear video editors and help Kdenlive in a professional workflow.
  • CUDA accelerated rendering and effects when?
  • I know that’s a MLT issue but it needs addressing.
  • The AppImage works quite well.


Linux and swap

  • One of the best reasons to create swap space:  “Even if there is still available RAM, the Linux Kernel will move memory pages which are hardly ever used into swap space.”
  • The amount of swap space you need to allocate is greatly dependent on the memory usage of the applications you are running.
  • My workstations and servers that I render animation on have a much larger swap space than computers I just use for daily tasks.
  • For regular Desktop use, swappiness of 10 is more than enough.
  • In my use case, since I never leave the PC on overnight or let it sit idle all that long, I found that 1 perfect.
  • I would say, in the current day, and with SSDs getting cheaper, swap should be at least 8GB.
  • That’s a big enough buffer that you won’t run out of memory if something (Chrome) starts nomming all your RAM.


Freedom Box

  • It’s a RasPi sized box with a couple of USB ports and an ethernet connection.
  • It lets you set up a home server which you can use external storage for and it’s all built on open source hardware and software.
  • 82€ seems a bit much…
  • Especially when you think that RasPi 3 B+ has 4 USB connections and a Quad Core ARM 64bit SoC, all for €35.
  • Sure, you’re paying for the work that went into creating an OS specifically for this purpose and in which the setup will be minimal to accomplish what you need.
  • The thing here is, how much do you value your time?

Slice of Pi

Seeking Pi’s

  • Moral of this story, change the default credentials on your Pi!


Introduction to C GUI programming 

  • You know, I wish I’d had a book on C that I could have understood going through University.
  • That first semester and programming was such crap I couldn’t even.
  • Still finished it with an 18/20 because the whole grade came down to the final project, which was to build a fast sudoku solver.
  • K&R introduced “Hello, world” to the programming ethos, and I remember learning C in middle school in the early 80’s.
  • I don’t understand why it’s based on GTK2… GTK4 will soon be a thing.








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