LWDW 178: Muffin Button

Debian 10 Buster is out! Pinebook Pro sets a date for pre-orders, Microsoft has outdated Snaps, and the Raspberry Pi 4 suffers from a faulty USB-C design.

04:09 IBM completes Red Hat acquisition
08:03 Debian 10 Buster
13:37 Hunting 32-bit apps
16:01 Pinebook preorders
18:05 Pine 64 community
22:27 UK ISPs call Mozilla villains
25:45 Cinelerra-GG gets CUDA
30:23 Kernel 5.2
34:23 Old Skype Snaps
42:24 ICE Tower Pi
44:39 Faulty USB-C
56:54 Emails


Linux Weekly Daily Wednesday
Linux Weekly Daily Wednesday
LinuxGameCast LLP

A weekly dose of all thing Linux and open source with a slice of Pi for good measure.



Colour key – Venn Jill Pedro

Red is officially Blue

  • It’s official, Big Blue is now wearing a Red Hat and the latter are adamant that it will not change.
  • You can run a program created for the AS/400 in 1988 on a Power Systems server today with little or no changes.
  • Just saying. 
  • OS/3 Bluehat
  • As we have stated before IBM CEO Ginni Rometty has promised to keep Red Hat independent, open source focused, and community driven under current management and CEO Jim Whitehurst.
  • Now IBM and Red Hat are positioned for their next phase of growth with continued partnerships with Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure and other vendors for the multi-cloud future of private and public clouds.


Debian 10 Buster 

  • Installed it on the Pedro box without issue. 
  • First time installing Debian with a GUI. 
  • Did the net install, smooth. 
  • RT kernel + kxstudio business and whola! 
  • Basically, this is just the final bake from when we last talked about the closing days leading up to the release.
  • Python 2 is officially being put out to pasture now.
  • A faster GNOME Desktop 3.30.
    • Packages moved from libgtk2+ to libgtk3+.
    • Defaults to Wayland instead of the Xorg display server.
  • And as we have talked about before, Debian being the swiss army knife of all distros, Buster supports more hardware and more Single-board Computers.
    • Including the new pine64_plus, pinebook for ARM64, ARMHF 64, Odroid HC1/HC2 boards etc. and RISC-V systems.
  • Last night I installed Debian 10 on my three monitor gaming rig in the hall, and it worked beautifully, like every other Debian distro before it.
  • And I did use the GUI Calameres Installer also for the first time like Venn did.
  • Firefox ESR! 
  • This is going to be my new LTS for the studio. 


Hunting 32-bit apps

  • University of Toronto up in Canadia land is looking for all the 32 bits currently in use in their systems and their users’ systems.
  • It’s using the Linux kernel’s audit system to track down the little nasties. 
  • Proactive is best active. 


Pinebook preorders

  • At the beginning of May, we talked about a recent prototype of the much anticipated Pinebook Pro Linux laptop that was being tested, and now we have a date to pre order.
  • The $199 PineBook Pro will be available for preorders July 25, 2019.
  • Your can choose from 3 distros at launch, a home-grown OS featuring the MATE desktop, a build of Chromium OS or Android.
  • I want one, but $200 for a toy is a little more than I, personally, am willing to shell out.


Pine 64 community 

  • In an article from TechRepublic–”Developers: How PINE64 is creating a community to compete with Raspberry Pi’s”
  • Pine64 is taking the philosophy, community and interactivity that the Raspberry Pi has to the next level, by not only offering Single Board Computers, but the shells they are contained in, like laptops, tablets and phones.
  • In an interview with PINE64 community manager Lukasz Erecinski stated:
    • “While SBCs are and will remain our bread and butter, there is no denying that our vision for PINE64 has expanded beyond the SBC market. The core aim of our project remains the same however—to foster a community and bring affordable ARM64 devices to developers and end-users . . . we are building eco-systems; that is to say, we strive for convergence between our SBCs and other ARM64 devices we manufacture.”


Uk ISPs call Mozilla villains 

  • People don’t like being censored, shocking.
  • Team villain! 
  • I love that Mozilla is continually “stirring the pot” for our internet privacy.
  • Okay… I was about to go back to using Chrome but now I’m not going anywhere!


Cinelerra-GG gets CUDA

  • NVENC added for rendering. 
  • Support for CUDA 10. 
  • Difficulty: Possibly the worst UX of any NLE in the history of ever. 
  • The original Cinelerra by Heroine Virtual was released in 2002, and was the first NLE available on Linux.
  • It wasn’t the prettiest interface, but actually quite powerful when it didn’t crash.
  • There are 3 branches of Cinelerra in the open source community, and Cinelerra-GG Infinity or “Good Guy” is the “rolling release” version with updated patches.
  • Last year I played with the Cinelerra-CV community version stable release, and was very impressed with how much improved the interface was and how stable it was, and that it didn’t crash.
  • Cinelerra–GG has all the tools needed by an NLE, including video editing, color correction, compositing, motion graphics and audio mastering.
  • And, honestly, it has a lot of the features that Davinci Resolve has with an interface that looks a bit Adobe Premiere Pro from the early 2000’s.
  • Like Premiere Pro and Softimage|3D, and AVID from the early 2000’s you need a book / class to grok the interface. 
  • The old-school Windowed GIMP-like interface does not exactly help things.  
  • Powerful software, steep learning curve. 


Kernel 5.2 (RTheren)

  • Linux Kernel 5.2 has been released and this is a HUGE release with 596,000 new lines of code committed!
  • Linux Torvalds dubbed Linux Kernel 5.2 “Bobtail Squid,” of course, inspired by his scuba diving adventures.
  • This release includes Sound Open Firmware, a project that brings open source firmware to DSP audio devices and was spearheaded by Google and Intel.
  • GeForce GTX 1650 gets Nouveau support.
  • New open source GPU drivers for ARM Mali devices.
  • Prep for next-gen AMD EPYC CPUs.
  • Case insensitive name lookups for Ext4


Old Snaps

  • That’s the “future”: containers.
  • Have to update one thing plus all the dependencies. 
  • The article does mention the fact that snaps were introduced in an effort to combat the “fragmentation” of package managers.
  • However it’s only become the latest example of XKCD 927.

Slice of Pi

ICE Tower Pi 

  • This cooler is just bloody adorable.
  • It’s compatible with all recent Pi boards, including the Raspberry Pi 4 and can reduce the temperature of the Raspberry Pi from 80°C to 40°C.
  • The scale looks about right compared to an ATX/mATX board.


Faulty C

  • This falls into the hurr-durr category. 
  • USB-C is a carpshoot to begin with, no need to hard-mode by going out of spec. 
  • Basically, if you have a Type-C laptop charger/dock/cable, it will see the Pi as an audio device and not provide any extra power to it.
  • If a spec compliant type C cable is smart enough to refuse to send power to a circuit because it can identify an issue with it, you done goofed!
  • This will be fixed in a few months on upcoming boards, but until then, just use a non-e-marked cable, like the official Pi 4 charger.



  • I just need the fine folks behind ckb-next to support it and the Kova is going to be living on Nory’s desk.



  • Those are polar opposites of the rolling release thing.
  • Solus has some issues and the development philosophy is a bit baffling at times. 
  • But seeing as it is one of the very few distros out right now that isn’t Debian or an LTS and runs the new Ryzen hotness, and my past year or so of using it non-stop on this box, that’d be my recommendation.
  • Then again, there are some people out there on the interwebs which swear ARCH!!1! is the second coming of Jesus Christ, so you’re probably better off trying it for yourself.

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