LWDW 182: Predator Pie

Manjaro straightens the Office! Xfce 4.14pre3 gets powerful, apt vs apt-get explained, and Xibo goes Snap.

03:07 Manjaro & FreeOffice
06:02 Switching from Ubuntu
11:13 Libreoffice vulnerability
14:07 KDE zero day
17:53 XFCE 4.14 Pre 3
21:18 Apt apt-get explained
24:44 Xibo Snap
30:31 Predator Pi
33:45 Emails


Linux Weekly Daily Wednesday
Linux Weekly Daily Wednesday
LinuxGameCast LLP

A weekly dose of all thing Linux and open source with a slice of Pi for good measure.



Colour key – Venn Jill Pedro

Manjaro FreeOffice (RTheren)

  • That got sorted with a quickness. 
  • There will now be an option during setup. 
  • No money exchanged hands.
  • That said, internet gonna internet. 
  • I am glad this got sorted and am looking forward to what the partnership between Softmaker and Manjaro will bring.
  • So it’s not installed by default and FreeOffice themselves are letting people save documents to the relevant formats.
  • All in all, not a bad day to be an internet troll.


Libreoffice vulnerability

  • The author Tim Anderson thought that making a separate ODF document with macros, such as ODFM would be a good idea, like the docm Word counterpart introduced in Office 2007.  I agree, in light of this vulnerability.
  • The Document Foundation, fix this!  I don’t want my “turtle graphics” in LibreOffice having any similarity with infected Microsoft Office Clippy macros.
  • You’d think with Microsoft’s history of macros, the LibreOffice people would have been extra careful.


K is for Zero Day

  • A malicious .desktop can load arbitrary code just from the thumbnailer when searching for whatever was put into the icon= field
  • Person who revealed this on Twitter did so deliberately without going to the developers first.
  • This is a person with an agenda.
  • So, as it currently stands, if you use KF 5.60 or lower you’re vulnerable.
  • Which is basically everyone running the current stable versions. 


XFCE 4.14 Pre 3

  • Support for the long awaited xfce4-screensaver which is integrated with the Xfce desktop, utilises Xfce libraries and the Xfconf configuration backend was added in this release.
  • The xfce4-panel has had many bug fixes to its plugins as well, including tasklist fixes for the new group indicator, directory-menu and clock.
  • Like that of xfmw4, the xfce4-panel also has compositing issue fixes and includes fallback for missing icons.
  • I really want to kill compton in favour of xfmw4 but until they sort the Chrome scroll chugging it will remain. 
  • It’s the final pre-release for the new version.


Switching from Ubuntu to Manjaro

  • I like what the author Dave Mckay states: “Manjaro feels like driving a go-kart you’ve built yourself. Ubuntu feels like a big, comfy, well-stocked RV. There’s something to be said for both approaches.”
  • To be truthful, most Linux distros are zippier then Ubuntu if you compare the default desktops GNOME to GNOME, but if you use the lower memory desktops like I do, Fluxbox, Wmaker, xfce you don’t notice much of a speed difference between distros.
  • Gnome is slow on any distro. 
  • Yes, having 24 enabled daemons vs 90 could have some impact on overall speed. 
  • Fedora has 89 for anyone playing the home game. 
  • One of the benefits of running an Arch based distro is the wiki. 
  • I was okay with this until the the “better 3rd party software repos”
  • That’s… debatable.


Apt apt-get explained

  • I’ve always wondered if there was any real difference between the two. 
  • For the end user, yeah, not much of one. 
  • Apt was made to simplify things and 90% of the time I remember to leave out the -get.
  • Same here Venn, and the same thing happened to me also with the introduction of Aptitude, which I rarely used . . .
  • I still prefer the verboseness of apt-get to apt, but I do like the progress bar in apt, nice touch! 
  • Using apt-get is like riding a bicycle for me and is one of the reasons that Debian and its derivatives are my favorite distros.
  • It’s not a bad idea to make subtle changes to the CLI tools.
  • I guess aptitude was too much of a mouthful… fingerful?… to type down everytime.
    • It should be renamed last-resort. 


Xibo Snap

  • The popular and powerful digital signage platform Xibo comes to Linux because of popular demand and launches as a snap!
  • Xibo’s Content Management System can be self-hosted or cloud based.
  • Xibo also supports the Linux based LG webOS smart TVs and Samsung’s Tizen smart TVs, which are some of the top selling TVs in the industry. 

Slice of Pi

Vision Pi 

  • Give your robot a pair of eyes, using Pis.


FCA 1616

  • Short answer: Any class-compliant interface made in the history of ever will work with Jack on Linux.
  • The exception being interfaces that require additional software to run built-in effects and the like. 
  • Pro audio recording (emphasis on recording, I don’t know the situation with beep boop music) under Linux is extremely mature.
  • Despite the self proclaimed “professionals” who bought a Scarlett 2i2 tinker-toy claiming otherwise. 
  • Ardour will record as many tracks as your CPU can handle. 
  • We have a dedicated Jackbox recording 6-tracks and processing 11 right now. 
  • And for those of you wondering why we’re talking about Firewire in 2019 remember this.
  • Audio tech moves at a glacial pace compared to PC hardware.
  • Not broke, don’t fix, is very much law in this realm. 
  • If you are buying a “pro” interface in 2019 it’s going to be Thuderbolt or Firewire, not USB 2. 
  • https://www.linuxmusicians.com


Thunar crashing 

  • GVFS has given me nothing but headaches with Thunar. 
  • SFTP or SSHFS is my go-to for GUI remote management. 
  • As for mass deletion, that’s something I’ve never tried in Thunar. 
  • More of a rm *.* type.
  • I have also had Thunar crash when deleting lots of files, but mostly now use PCManFM and emelFM2 as my file managers of choice.
  • The upcoming XFCE 4.14 like we just talked about is supposed to have a lot of Thunar bug fixes, and hopefully will fix some of the crashing.

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