Open-Source War Thunder and NVIDIA making CPUs!?

Anodyne Remastered drops Adobe Air, Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection nopes on Steam Decks, NVIDIA is working on CPUs, and the engine behind War Thunder goes open-source.


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00:00 Intro
01:17 Breaking up with Thunderbird
03:48 Defrosting Pedro
07:50 BIG Steam client update
10:08 Playing with gyros
11:17 CS2 Spin Bans
12:27 Steam VR 2.0
12:49 Steam-Boy VR
14:22 HL-Alyx on PS5?
17:55 Steam Spoopy Sale
18:26 VR – The game
23:18 City Skyline 2 performance
24:39 Metal Gear Master Collection busted on Steam Deck
30:28 Anodyne Remasters drops Adobe Air
32:51 Growing up NES
37:50 Wee Tanks Halloween update
41:26 Last Epoch 1.0
45:32 Dark Souls online
47:37 NVIDIA making CPUs
57:28 Intel stagnation
58:42 AMD Threadripper is DOA
01:02:13 Remembering player 3 in the CPU space
01:02:51 Why Unity rushed out the install-fees
01:09:13 Piracy promotes hacking
01:19:38 War Thunder engine open-sourced
01:24:24 Why Lutris is not on Steam
01:31:27 Paying for YouTube!?

Colour key – Venn John Pedro

Steam: News

New Steam Client

  • It’s the big Beta round-up onto the stable client.
  • This also applies to Steam Deck peeps, obviously.
  • The sheer number of Steam Input changes, though!
  • Lots of gyro goodness.

SteamVR 2.0

  • We’ve been seeing an unusual amount of VR updates as of late. 
  • You know what that means, right? 
  • Steam Deck Boy! 
  • Linux gets Steamy Runtime 3.0 and a bunch of fixes to make SteamVR work with 3.0. 
  • I hope to one day be able to afford a VR headset that plays well with Linux.
  • The GUI really seems to be intuitive, it is weird it took this long to get an intuitive interface with VR games front and center 
  • Side Note – Those of us that own The PS VR2 headset would love to be able to use it on the PC. iVRy is working on a Steam VR compatible driver

Spoopy Fest 2023

  • -20% Last of us, boo! 
  • It’s the Spoopy fest!
  • I’ll admit I was curious about the new Amnesia.
  • I like horror games and I like roguelikes, so why shouldn’t I like it?
  • As it turns out, the exploration is a little hampered by you having to constantly run from the stupid unkillable thing and having very little resources.
  • I don’t play games to get stressed.
  • I’m with Pedro. I have high anxiety already. I play video games to chill out in my old age.
  • However, I did notice a classic series that was fun a decade ago. All 3 FEAR games for less than 10 dollars is a pretty great deal and those games are creepy.
  • I’ve wanted to try Scorn. It just looks beautifully disgusting with the H.R. Giger inspired imagery.

Steam: New Games

Solid on Deck

  • This is what happens when a publisher doesn’t give VALVe proper access to the game ahead of time.
  • Judging by how bad the emulated version of these original console releases seem to be running on Windows, I don’t think they gave anyone any notice ahead of time.
  • Thanks Konami, you fucked it up!
  • I don’t understand how huge publishers like Konami wouldn’t take great care in porting an iconic franchise. This reminds me of Take Two porting the GTA Trilogy in the “definitive edition.” That port was of the mobile versions of the game and they used an AI program to upscale the textures. It was a mess.
  • The root of MGS2 and MGS3 not booting has been fixed by users. There was a missing audio DLL file and you can try at your own risk to get it up and running.

Steam: Game Updates

Anodyne Remastered

  • No longer requires Adobe Air. 
    • Progress!
  • 60 fps and a boss rush mode. 
  • Don’t worry, the original is still playable. 
  • 2011 was 12 years ago.
  • I very much approve of devs taking on the onus of preserving their own creation.
  • I never played this. But, I am always down for a Zelda style game with those cozy 16 bit era graphics. Brings back memories of playing on the SNES.
  • And it is currently on sale for $2.99, I’m picking it up

Hallowee Update

  • It’s the other game of Tanks.
  • New survival map for the spoopy season.
  • There’s a Halloween theme but it’s only for the duration of the festivities.
  • Slightly lowered camera and better post processing.
  • I think it is silly to change the “tanks left” text to “lives.” It is a tank game, I think we can figure iit out. Who does this help? Was there really an outcry?
  • The graphical update and perspective change do add something to the game
  • Did dude ever add the ability to enable FPT?
  • Well, kinda. You have to complete the Most Wanted achievement. 

Last Access

  • That one Diablo-like that’s had a native Linux version for a long, long time is finally coming out of Early Access.
  • Feb 21st 2024 is the date
  • I can finally think about playing it properly then.
  • I have just under 10 hours in it from when a certain Scott Michaud mentioned he had done some work for the game.
  • First Baldur’s Gate 3 comes out of early access and now this. The next thing you’re going to tell me is Star Citizen will have a full release
  • All kidding aside, I really haven’t played an ARPG like this in a long time. Soon it will be time to jump back in



  • This is not a repeat from 2010. 
  • Nvidia is designing CPUs that can run Windows.
  • Native WinARM + (and I’m guessing) some built in X86 emulation tech like Apple uses with the M series. 
  • The real question is discrete or SOC. 
  • Both AMD and Intel had ARM programs but fkd off because reasons. 
  • NVidia has wanted to do something like this for a while now.
  • They wanted to buy ARM and everything.
  • As a user of the SHIELD, the recalled one, I have very fond memories of having a tablet with a Kepler GPU.
  • Having a fourth option for the personal computer CPU space would be nice, but NVidia has a little too powerful a graphics solution to let others into their ecosystem.
  • This can only mean more power efficient CPUs for laptops and other portable devices
  • I think a follow up to the Shield and an SOC is very much on the table. We know NVIDIA is hard at work (probably completed, at this point) on the APU for Nintendo’s next system and that is heavily rumored to be an ARM based CPU with an integrated bespoke Ampere graphics solution. They are not going to stop with that R&D just at Nintendo. There’s a definite synergy to all of this.

It was ads

  • Wanted a way to threaten customers away from AppLovin. 
  • A lot of people seem to be genuinely discontent with the entire situation.
  • I hope the industry doesn’t forget this any time soon.
  • It just seems so short sighted. 
  • What developer will trust them going forward? Why would you piss off your revenue source when you are losing money?


  • Dear ESA, how about you fuck off with the responsibility dodging.
  • Cheats are a problem which should be the responsibility of the people making the game
  • Not the people playing it.
  • If a player is cheating, it’s up to the developer and publisher (if they want to get involved) to deal with the situation.
  • Current anti-cheats only punish legitimate players and players trying to play the game on the Steam Deck.
  • This is also true of stupid DRM which does absolutely nothing to stop piracy and often stops legitimate purchasers from being able to play the game they bought a license for.
  • We need to bring back E3, so the ESA can go back to that stupidity. Now that E3 is gone, they are bored and going after this nonsense.
  • These “methods” like DRM and anti-cheat just serve to take agency from the player and  help to curtail game preservation.

War Thunder Engine

  • The game with the 11th highest current player count on steam has open sourced their engine.
  • It appears to be the recent version of the dagor engine. 
  • If any of our dev/devops peeps listening want to do some sleuthing, there’s probably a solid multiplayer component in there that certain other engines could use.

Hate Mail:

Steamy Lupis
