L.G.C. |Reviews| — Super Rad Raygun

Your intrepid heroes question Reaganomics, play with batteries, and remap controls. Super Rad Raygun faces the CHAIRQUISITION!

Game: Super Rad Raygun
Devel: TRU FUN Entertainment
Engine: FNA
Price: 9.99 / CDN 10.99

Wazzat: It is the year 198X. Big hair is hot, and the war with the Soviets is colder than a refreshing glass of New Coke. RAD RAYGUN must travel the world fighting communist robots, and save the 1980′s by shooting his way through the decade in a totally fresh, expanded version of the original XBLIG game.

Mandatory Disclosure: They sent us keys

CHAIR– Nooope

CHAIRCHAIR– Not sure if want


CHAIRCHAIRCHAIRCHAIR– Shutupandtakemymonies

Makes with the working


  • I have to enable fullscreen each time I start the game?
  • Alright, if you go fullscreen then back to windowed you cannot go back to fullscreen.
  • No Big Picture 4 U!



  • No resolution options, you only get a “fullscreen” option after you’re already in-game.
  • And if you do enable fullscreen, it just upscales the game from 720p to whatever your monitor does.
  • What’s that? You’d like the game to remember your settings? Fuck that noise!
  • First time going through the first level the character clipped through the floor and I could do nothing else.
  • Redid it once more after I finished it to get the second battery and the game crashed while checking my time against the online times.
  • This isn’t going to be pretty.


Shiny / Sounds


  • I have two pallette options, NOPE and CAN’T MAKE SHITE OUT ON THE SCREEN.
    • Much like the original GB, minus the screen blur.
  • 4 “colours” onscreen at any time.
  • Disabling the hipster-grid effect helped out a bit.
    • Not that it remembers the option.
  • It looks like something from a High-def NES or an emulator.
  • The chiptunes are not bad at all but they are WAY overdone for GB music.


  • I mean, I played my share of platformers on my original brick gameboy
  • It did not look as good as this
  • The screen whiting out as you get low on battery is a cute touch, but it’s more annoying
  • The soundtrack is alright. I could’ve sworn I heard some stolen riffs from pokemon though


  • You start with only the gameboy palette which, even with an 80’000’000:1 contrast ratio, is still fucking hard to see when you’re moving around.
  • I get that they were going for the gameboy experience and artificially inflating the difficulty by limiting how the player can see the game.
  • You know what that tells me? They let their pretentiousness get the best of them and stuck to their vision in detriment of the game.
  • That’s not good.
  • I had to mute the background music, too.




  • When you first start out Super Brad controls a bit meh.
  • Not bad, but you are really thinking “they should have tightened up the controls”
  • But if you stick with it and build up the agility it becomes quite enjoyable.
  • Loses a Chair because like ALL OTHER FK MOTHERING SETTING the controls must be remapped on each start.


  • The walk cycle feels annoyingly slow
  • Everything works though. Despite it being FNA, I get xbox prompts. boo


  • It’s FNA, if the controls were broken it would have made it plainly clear they had put out an absolutely horrible game on purpose.
  • It still only gets three chairs because it doesn’t remember the remapped controls.




  • I have a distinct feeling this game was created by a team that were not alive in 1989.
  • They got a few things right.
    • Limited lives
    • Health bar
    • You dead? Start from the beginning.
    • No difficulty option.
  • Hell, I kinda wish they went full out and noped the checkpoints.
  • So what is it?
  • It’s like Mega Man + Mario 3 + Zelda II + a bag of mushrooms shagged and had a babby.
  • Unfortunately that babby came out functioning like Sloth from the Goonies… at first.
  • Because if you haven’t made it to Berlin you have not seen how challenging this game can be.
  • The sad thing is most people will not make it there since it takes well over an hour.
  • BUT when / if you do you will be rewarded will a wicked hard properly done platformer.


  • It’s kind of just this middle of the road platformer.
  • I get the feeling they’re banking on the visual aesthetic and some misguided sense of nostalgia to steer people towards this game
  • The battery juggling is an interesting mechanic, but it really does break the flow of the game and becomes tedious. Also, I don’t remember the GB having any L or R buttons
  • Most of the difficulty stems from the really loose controls and the screens that can require some tight maneuvering.
  • Battery collection seems a bit tedious as well
  • Ultimately, it’s just meh.


  • Remember everything I said about ASMR2? No!? Well you should because most of them apply here, too.
  • Here’s a few bullet points:
    • Serves no other purpose than to reinforce my belief that nostalgia grabs have worn-out their welcome.
    • Does absolutely nothing to innovate the genre.
    • Hipster pixel visuals, made even worse by the pointlessly limited color scheme.
      • “But that’s the point!” – If that’s the point, they have bigger problems than me shitting on their game.
    • Annoying “chiptunes” the likes of which can only be rivaled by a PulseAudio buffer underrun
    • And last but not least, to make everything even worse, they expect you will do some bullshit leaps of faith.
  • That’s not level design, that’s asinine and it turns the game into an exercise of trial & error and frustration.



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